Here you go, notes for this CRAZY week!
1. NO HOMEWORK- except reading every night for at least 20 minutes! There are too many parties, celebrations, and fun things to do this week to have to worry about homework!
2. Parent Gifts will be sent home today, or tomorrow. They are fragile, so you may want to ask for it and put it somewhere safe!
3. We will be exchanging Boxes of Hope on Thursday at 2:15. Parents are more than welcome to come and see the fabulous work! Students will be bringing home A LOT of Christmas decorations that day as well! Including their glass ornaments! Might want to ask for those as well………..Library is also on Thursday at 9:30! This is your chance to get a new book to read over the break!
4. If you volunteered to bring supplies for the Polar Express party send them to school by Thursday! That way I know if I need to pick up anything extra! THANKS!!!
5. Friday will be NUTS…….here is the hoped for schedule:
8:30-9:00 Self Start in-class activity
9-10 School wide Sing-Along and UGLY SWEATER CONTEST. Make sure to wear your favorite ugly sweater!
10-10:30 Set up for Polar Express party
10:30-12:30 Watch movie, eat cookies and popcorn, and drink hot cocoa!
1:00 School is DISMISSED until January 5th!
I think that is it! I LOVE this class!!!
-Mrs. Chidester
See you in a few hours!
-Mrs. Chidester
We will be exchanging our BOXES of HOPE on THURSDAY, December 18th at 2:20! We need to change it so that all students can be included! Thanks for your patience!
They will still be due on MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th!! So that I have time to grade everything!
-Mrs. Chidester
A parent has offered to supply popcorn for students to eat during the Polar Express Movie. If you have a problem with your student eating popcorn, please let me know as soon as possible. You can just send me an email or respond to this post!
-Mrs. Chidester
Our Christmas tree is up and it looks amazing!!! The kids did an awesome job on their ornaments!! I love how fun they turned out. They will be sent home on Thursday of next week, and they are glass, so GOOD LUCK!! Watch for them!!

I didn’t realize that the permission slip MADE you sign up to bring something for the party. That has been fixed and if you are unable to donate, it is not a requirement! Silly google forms……. here is the link to the permission slip as well!
Thanks for your patience!
-Mrs. Chidester
Here is the story for the Box of Hope project! Hope you enjoy it!
The 5 compliments were sent home on Monday and the Poem will be sent home on Friday! Watch for them!!!!
Hope you are all hard at work on your project!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
The last post was not finalized when it was emailed out to you! Please check back tomorrow for the corrected version with the link to the food in class form! Sorry…..sometimes technology is not my friend!
-Mrs. Chidester
Here are the notes for the week! Enjoy!
1. HomeWork for this week is normal! Please remember to practice your spelling EVERY night! It really makes a difference in scores and understanding! Also, remember to read every night for at least 20 minutes!
2. Make sure you are working on your Box of Hope projects. I neglected to take time on Friday to read the story to the kiddos on Friday, so we will be doing that Monday!
3. We will be making our Christmas gifts for parents this week. So, if you are a parent…….STAY OUT! Just kidding, but really stay away so that you can be totally surprised on Christmas. The plan is to send them home next week, they are glass so we will let you know to watch for them.
4. Please fill out and return the following google form to give your permission for your student to participate in our annual Polar Express Party! The party will be held on Friday, December 19th! We will be starting the movie about 10. I will need several parents to help out on that day as well!!
Thanks for all you do!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS CLASS!!!!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
Students have earned a game day tomorrow! Students can bring a board game, card game, or other game to play with their classmates. The game day will be held from 1-2:30. Unfortunately kids CANNOT bring devices, but I will keep trying to get that approved for a later time.
-Mrs. Chidester