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The Can Do Kids are so excited!   We finally started Cursive this week!   Remember, we do not want the children to complete any assignments or homework in cursive until we have finished teaching them how to write it!     We will send home practice sheets occassionally!  
Week 48: Cursive

5 Responses to “CURSIVE”

  • miss wow:

    when I heard the part about that her parents wouldn’t get her a cat.It reminded me of when my parents didn’t let me get a cat but I snuck her in.

  • cheetahgirl:

    when I heard the part about when Elizabeth’s mom and dad said they didn’t want a pet.It reminded me of when I kept asking my mom for a kitten and that she didn’t want a pet.

  • Miley:

    When I heard the part when Elizabeth was begging her parents for a dog.It reminded me when I was begging my parents for a dog.

  • fall:

    When I heard the part about. Her begging her perens for a pet. and she didn’t get her a pet and she found a bug. It reminded me of. When i wantd’n a turtul but.I could have a pet cuse we would have to much pets. love fall,

  • Ed:

    when I heard the part about when she all most steped on the bug.It must of looked very sad and that reminded me of I had a bukit and this was in washintin and I diged for wirms I found four wirms and I almost stepped on one of them. I put them in a bucket.

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