Perfect Pet
Have you ever really, really wanted a pet but your parents did not agree? Well, if you have then you probably will enjoy this book! This story so funny, it is actually a Humurous Fiction story. We had a great time reading it and the whole time I was reading it my student’s were touching their
heart. (when they touch their heart, that means that they are having a TEXT to SELF connection)
I absolutely LOVE to listen to my students thinking and hear about all their connections to the text we read.
If you have not read this book before WE (the Can Do Kids) totally recommend it to you! Your class or your family would really enjoy it!
When I HEARD THE PART ABOUT Elisabeth asking for A dog.IT REMINDED ME of. WHEN I GOT A LITLE puppy that was a chaweenie.
when i heard the part adout the cat. it reminded my cats sckare and wenat
When I heard the part about.Elizibith was about to step on the. BUG IN THE BED.
And cept it as a peit.It reminded me of ceept a Red and Yeelow SPIDER.
when i heard the part about she cunvinsing her mom to by a pet it reminded me of when i was cunvinsing my mom to by me a x box 3 60.
When I heaer the par about.When ALISABITH perens wode not let her get any pet at all. It reminded me when my mom would not let me get a cat either.
When Elisabeth kept her pet bug a sercret it reminded me when i let 2 cats in my house
When I heard the part about Elisibith whanting a dog it remied me of when we got a black lab named magy.
WHEN I heard the part about Eizabeth begging for a pet it reminded me of When I always wanted a D.S. I,m wishing for christmas
WHEN I HEAD THE PART ADOUT when she wonid a pet fish in the bowl. It REMINDED ME OF when we had a fishes in are fish tank.
Me and sage watch our friend so he could play outside and we watch him the hole day and then he had to go inside to go eat diner and then me,sage and Tyler played tackle football and I tackled Tyler and we both slid on our knees and we don’t no who won
by fall,