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Astro Camp

We had a blast at the Astro Camp today!  

                           We totally recommend it as a field trip to any 3rd grade class!   Not only was it fun, but very educational and “THE MORE YOU KNOW… THE MORE YOU GROW!”   right?

Here are some amazing new facts that we just added to our schema today!

17 Responses to “Astro Camp”

  • miss wow:

    I learned at Astro Camp that on the moon and on the earth there are plains.

  • kunglow:

    What I just learned at Astro Camp is…There is 25 gallons of water on the moon.

  • miss wow:

    I learned at Astro Camp that there are plains on the Moon and on Earth.

  • Maxy:

    AHA.I never knew that in 2012 they will shoot a rockit to Mors.

  • login:

    I larn abat one sid of the moon is light.

  • miley:

    At the Astro Camp we got to ride the spining chair.It was scary.

  • Snake:

    Did you know that the Earth takes threehundredsixtyfive and a 1/4 days to go around the Sun one time?

  • ponygirl:

    Did you now that Force means a push or a pull? We learned about Newton today.

  • navy:

    Gess what?At the fill trip I laerd that there is seas on the moon.I went on a chair that he pushed on then spin around.

  • garfeild:

    When I went on a exiding field trip about space!I learned that the first person on the moon is Neil Armstrong! His foot prints are still on the moon because there is no ATMOSPHERE!

  • homer:

    I learnd that the Earth spins a round so it makes gravity.

  • fall:

    At the filed trip I learned that there is mountains on the moon with showdows!!!! It was fun to learn about the moon and sun.

  • cheetahgirl:

    Guess what? I added a new fact to my schema today!
    I learned that a long time ago that some people were looking at the moon and saw a hill and
    thought they saw a sea.It was really the hill`s shadow.But even today we still call those
    shadows seas.Cool huh?Bye!

  • o.P.:

    Ges wut? a rodbot is go to mar’s in 2012, with a microchip- and our class name will be on it! Mrs. SLaugh’s Class 2009! At Astor camp it was fun becase you could spin in a chair to know wut gravity fells like! by o.p.

  • batman:

    We went to astor camp. We hade fun. We went on a rade. Did you know there is no wind on the
    moon ???

  • Lego MASTER:

    Today we went to ASTRO CAMP!we learned that a rover is goining to be on mars in 2012 and I learned that force is a push or pull.

  • mr.incredeble:

    I learnd a new fact to my scheema.I learned what atmosphere meens.

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