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our NEW YEAR resolutions

We are setting goals for the 2010 year!   We each have set a goal for at school and at home.   We want to BE the BEST we CAN be!   Please read them!

15 Responses to “our NEW YEAR resolutions”

  • miley:

    My school goal is times tables.My goal at my house is to be nice to my brother.

  • ponygirl:

    myn school gole is to help gage to do what he is saposto four mrsslugh. my home gole is to help my mom

  • maxy:

    My school gole is to practis my addishin faces.Aslso to rememberb to bring my homewore .

  • garfeild:

    My 2010 goal for school and home is to do all of my cool work.

    SCHOOL IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • navy:

    My 2010 goul is beter hand riteing and cleaning my room plus I like school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • O.P.:

    My 2010 goal for school and home. my school goal is i want to go to 4th grade and get 50 digit per min. My home goal is to feed my dogs and do my homewoke and lisin to my mom and dad.

  • lego Master:

    My goal at home is to get better at video games. My goal at school is to listen to the teacher more.

  • cheetahgirl:

    My 2010 goal at school is that I will try to do better at math.I will also try to be better
    at writing.

    My 2010 goal at home is that I will try to do chores more often and take better care of my
    baby sister.

  • Ed:

    My 2010 goal at school is that I,ll try and get better and faster at computers
    and my 2010 goal at home is going to be clean the house

  • leave:

    Jan,8 2010
    My 2010 gaol at school is to get better at sumbtract so I can get faster and be in the GAOL/ei club.
    My 2010 gaol at home is to do my homework right as I get home.

  • mr.incredble:

    My 2010 goal is to stop skipping cursuf.[school] My 2010 goal is to stop hurting my sisters.[home]

  • batman:

    [school] I will do work [home] I will clean my room

  • homer:

    [school]I will try to get sooper GOOD AT MATH [HOME]I will clean my room so

  • sweetie pie:

    my two goals are to beable to red every da for 35 minutes
    and make more friends at home

  • snake:

    My goal at school is to improve at math.MY goal at home is to get my homework done quickly.

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