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Student Power Points and Fluency Recordings

Please let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of your child’s Power Point they presented at conferences or their Reading Fluency Video.  
 I would be happy to email that to you!

3 Responses to “Student Power Points and Fluency Recordings”

  • Tanya Cook:

    I would love a copy of Braden’s Powerpoint and reading fluency video. Thank you for everything that you do for Braden.

  • Angie Chapman:

    Hi Mrs. Slough,
    Your kids are adorable. Makenna was so excited to show me the pictures!
    I’d love a copy of Makenna’s power point projects, and any other milestones!
    Also, gold fish will be sent with Makenna on Monday. I’m happy to help.
    Thanks for all you do!

  • Angie Chapman:

    Quick follow up…
    Makenna is having a giggle fit over my inability to spell your name accurately. SHEESH. My apologies.

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