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What are you THANKFUL for…

The countdown is on…only 7 more days until Thanksgiving!  I am challenging the Can Do Kids to leave ONE comment about what you are THANKFUL for each day under this post…Can you do it?  I know that each and every one of us have many blessings and this is a good time to think about that and what we are thankful for…Sometimes we forget to say “THANKS!” 

Mrs. Peterson and I have said it many times- but WE REALLY ARE SO THANKFUL TO HAVE EACH OF YOU in our special “Can Do Kid” class! 

We wish all of the people that check out our blog a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

80 Responses to “What are you THANKFUL for…”

  • Bailey:

    I am thankfull for my wounderfull teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  • Bailey's Mom:

    I am thankful That Bailey loves going to School and loves her teachers.

  • kylee:

    I am thankful for ny home. 🙂

  • kylee's mom:

    I am thankful for two very loving teachers that help kylee want to learn more. I love looking at the blog and all the cute videos of the “Can Do Kids”. We hope everyone has a great Turkey Day and let the shopping begin… 🙂

  • Gracie:

    I am thankful for all my toys. For my new room. For the Earth, and every thing in it. I am also very thankful for my WONDERFUL teachers, friends and awousome class!

  • emily:

    I’m very thankful for my home & the community I live in, & also I am thankful for my bed and my
    furniture. :);)

  • sage:

    I am thankful or my parents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They take care of me , buy food for me , and so much more !! I am VERY lucky to have them as my parents !!!!!!! 🙂

  • justice:

    I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
    so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
    thankful tv computer and all elegeronik stuff

  • Roger:

    I am thankful for my wife, Becky; for my children and grandchildren and for the good health we all enjoy.

  • Savanna L:

    I am Thankful for my home because… It keeps us warm and safe.

  • dax:

    I am thankful for my dog because he helps cheer me up.

  • All I can say is WOW! You all melt my heart! I love to see how caring and thankful each one of you are! You are all amazing with amazing families! You make me PROUD to be your teacher! Love ya’s!

  • I am so very thankful for my sweet hubby, my smart and wild Jaxon, and my sassy yet classy princess Jazmin! I love my family!

  • Just want to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I miss ya this week! Eat lots of turkey and have fun! You are all as SWEET as PUMPKIN PIE!

  • Mrs. Peterson:

    I am so grateful for a wonderful teaching partner!! I love working with Mrs. Slaugh! I also love all my FABULOUS students! This is so fun to see what you are thankful for! Love you guys!

  • justice:

    I am so so so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    thankful for school

  • Savanna L:

    I am Thankful for clouls because ….they keep us warm

  • I am thankful to have the opportunity to work at such an amazing school- West Haven!
    I am thankful to have found Mrs. Peterson! SHe has been such a blessing to me! I love her and am so extremely happy we get the opportunity to Job Share! It is the best of both worlds! We both love to be mamas and teachers! Life is good!

  • justice:

    I am so so so so so so so so so so so thankful everybedy

  • kylee:

    I am REALLY thankful for my grandmas and grandpas 🙂

  • kylee:

    Im thankful for my children and my grand children and there good health. I am thankful for my grate job that sustains me with a good home.I am thankful to live in a free country the U.S.A. and southern Utah. 🙂

  • kylee's grandpa:

    Sorry i put kylee 🙂

  • justice:

    I am so so thankful for are can do kid family

  • I am so thankful for our BLOG! It is a great place for us to communicate and spread the joy of learning around the world! Love you all! Have a super duper, safe weekend! See you soon!

  • justice:

    I am so so so so so so so so
    thankful for the wrold

  • justice mom:

    I am so thankful for my son my daughter and my so so cute dog

  • justice:

    happy thanksgiving :]

  • brookeanne:

    Happy Thansgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • justice:

    I am thankful for the book one smile 🙂

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