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Welcome Back!!

I have the most FABULOUS class! I’ve been so lucky to be home with my darling little baby for the past month & was sad to leave her to come back to work… until I saw this!

Can you believe how awesome these kids are?  I love being their teacher! Thanks to the sweet students (and their moms) who brought darling gifts for my little sweetheart! Also.. thanks to Mrs. Slaugh & Ronda for getting up early & bringing the cupcakes & ballons!! We loved having cupcakes for breakfast!

Love, Mrs. Peterson

One Response to “Welcome Back!!”

  • kylee:

    I LLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEDDDDDD the day Mrs.Peterson came back it was like getting a new teacher but we know her and she knows us we all love her SO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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