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Pay It Forward

If you have never read the book “One Smile,” by Cindy Mckinley…You must!  It is one of my absolute favorite stories!!!  Not only because I really love to see a child SMILE, (you can ask our class…it is a RULE to always SMILE) but also because it melts my heart to think that our wonderful CAN DO KID class could make a difference in the world by “Paying it Forward!” 

As a class, we have decided that our New Year’s Resolution for 2011 is to take the PAY IT FORWARD challenge! 

*Do something real good, kind, genorous… for three people.  Each.  An then when they ask how they can pay it back, simply say… PAY IT FORWARD, to 3 more people. (and on and on and on)! We retold our favorite story…if you would like to listen to it… it brings tears to our eyes everytime we read it!  Enjoy!  and PLEASE TAKE THE PAY IT FORWARD CHALLENGE!!!

Please leave a comment below, sharing your

 Pay it Forward experience!  We would love to hear about all

the wonderful things people are doing to change the world!!!

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