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I am finally an Aunt!

Here are some super cute pics of my new niece and nephew! They were born on Friday!

3 Responses to “I am finally an Aunt!”

  • piper:

    dear/mrs slugh.i am so glad you are a anut i hope when you see them you have that smile on
    like when you smile at me i get warm fuzzy fillings hopefuly they get warm fuzzy fillings too
    & i just know you will be the best anut ever im hopeing that you will love them to pices
    oh one last thing i relly hope that the are like the can do kids & we hope thay will be the best thy can be & i hope you love themto pices also as much as yuo do to them!!!!!!

  • they r adorabul☻☺

  • Thanks Piper, you are a true can do kid! I hope they are just like you some day! Thanks for always being so sweet and fabulous! Love, your teacher!!!

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