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Happy Earth Day


Writing Prompts for Earth Day

  • Spend at least half an hour outside. Record what you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel.
  • Make a list of ten ways you can help keep the planet clean.  
  • Make a list of ten ways you can conserve water.  
  • Make a list of ten ways you can conserve energy.  
  • Create a poster encouraging people to recycle.  
  • Write a journal entry telling how you are celebrating Earth Day.  
  • Keep a week-long “Earth Log.” Each day, do whatever you can to take care of the earth, and record your earth-friendly actions in your Earth Log.  
  • Write a thank-you note expressing thanks for the many resources the earth provides.  
  • Write a poem about nature.  
  • What would our world be like if no one recycled? Write a story about such a world.  
  • Imagine a world with no pollution. Write about it.  
  • Write a persuasive essay encouraging people to recycle.  
  • In recent years, Earth Day has become an international observance. But the observance started with one man who saw a problem and who wanted to be a part of solving that problem. What is the biggest problem you see with the world today? Write out an action plan for making a difference.  
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper encouraging people to take care of the environment.  
  • Interview a local leader, a school official, a business person, or a friend. Ask the person what he or she is doing to take care of the earth. Write a news article based on the interview.

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