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Class News

Super Hero Day

Tomorrow- November 11th~ 

Make sure your child dresses up as their favorite Super Hero of any kind.  TV Character, to Book Character to real life Everyday Hero!

(Thanks for donating all those pennies to earn books for our library!!! and in case your child has not told you… Mrs. Newton will be dressing up as the Villan – just as the student body wanted!!! It will be exciting to see her!)

Remember: it is also a half day!  Students dismissed at 1:15pm.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Conferences went great! 

PS-We really are so thankful to have your children in our class! 

We have an extra special CAN DO KID family this year!


Read A Thon

The Can Do Kids earned a Read A Thon out of our Mystery Motivator, after the class had earned a Behavior Bingo!!! Way to go Can Do Kids!  We are proud of ya’s!



We have TWO more students that have made it into the 100 CLub for Addition!  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!  Let’s all give a cheer for

Deontae and Kylee

We are so proud of you!

Love, the Can Do Kids

Anne Bowen

We were very lucky to have had the famous author Anne Bowen at our school today!  She talked about “What Good Writers Do!”

THE COOL THING she is a UTAH Gal!!! At the age of 22, Anne traded hills for mountains, and moved to Utah to begin her teaching career.  She married her husband, Art, and has lived in Ogden for the past thirty years.  Anne has two grown sons, six grandchildren, one grand-puppy, and two senior golden retrievers. The amazing thing is all the advice she was giving us, we have been doing in class…The kids were so excited!  They loved that they had a connection with her and that they do what she does!   I loved that she reinforced what Mrs. Peterson and I have been preaching to the kids too! 


*Ask questions *THINK THINK THINK *WonDer *Record their thoughts *Use your 5 Senses *Use WOW words…describing words *Write about your experiences *Be creative, take ordinary and change it to AMAZING ****TOOLs to AlWaYS have on hand!  Favorite pen, a journal, post its… just in case you have a FabUlouS idea pop into your mind – you write it down so you never forget it! It was such a fabulous presentation today and she will be at the Treehouse tonight signing Autographs!  We are so lucky to have had this opportunity!  Our school is so cool!!!

Reading and Writing Rocks!!!

Here are a couple of her many books!  Check out her website for more info!

Do you know who TAYLOR SWIFT is?

Guess what? 

Taylor loves to READ!  

She was interviewed by Nick Cannon yesterday at  Scholastic’s 90th Anniversary literacy event, READ NOW! She talked all about her favorite books, the power of reading and students asked her questions about her favorite Genres and all that fun stuff! 

Next week, we will be watching her Web Cast in class!  It is great!  She is so sweet and a great role model to all of us! 

Here is a little bit about her if you do not know who she is…

Addition Math Fluency

Our FINAL Math Fluency test before the end of the quarter will be Thursday, Oct. 28th!!! Keep practing those facts!  Can’t wait to see your score! 

Subtraction Strategies and Flash cards will be coming…starting 2nd Quarter!

Happy Adding!!!


Don’t forget…

Monday we are going


Remember your shoe size and socks!

Rain Forest Research

We have been busy reading books, watching clips online, researching online and listening to speakers all on the topic: RAIN FORESTS!  There minds have been so curious and I have loved watching the light in their eyes spark up every time they learn a new fact or discover a WOW response! 

On these rainy days, I wanted to remind the kids that they can continue their research at home using the KID SAFE links on the right side bar.   There are so many articles, pages, images and videos out there with amazing information on this topic!

SO – for link of the week this week I am encouraging the kids to use the links on the right side bar to LEARN more! 

 The more you know the more you grow!!!

Happy Searching!

100 Club

Fabulous, Incredible, Amazing, Wow…

Congratulations to one of the members of our Can Do Kids Family! Sage made it into the “100 Club” in Math Fluency! She made 101 digits per minute on our latest Addition Timing!

 So…if you see her make sure you Congratulate her!






Reflections Contest

Reflections Contest

Theme: Together We Can

Due: Mon. October 4

This year the PTA is promising the grade with the most entries a

Rootbeer Float Party!!

Please encourage your student to participate and

showcase their incredible talents!

For more information visit the following site…


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