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Food Pyramid Fun

This week we started to learn about the importance of eating 5A DAY and eating from the Food Pyramid!   Here is a fun game for your child to enjoy at home!   More activities will be posted soon!

Food Pyramid Game

Astro Camp

We had a blast at the Astro Camp today!  

                           We totally recommend it as a field trip to any 3rd grade class!   Not only was it fun, but very educational and “THE MORE YOU KNOW… THE MORE YOU GROW!”   right?

Here are some amazing new facts that we just added to our schema today!

Aha!!! Guess what we just learned about

We have really enjoyed reading informational texts about the Planet, Our Solar System, Asteroids, Constellations and so on this week!   As we were reading we focused on our new READING STRATEGY… “Making AHA’s!”   I was so proud of the kids, as they were reading a selected text from the library about our topic, they were recording their “Aha’s!”   I LOVED seeing that light in their eyes as they were reading!   There was so much excitement and learning in our classroom!   Below are some fun Space Videos, along with the Can Do Kids’ sharing some of their AHA’s!   Enjoy!

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