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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Love, Your Teacher

Happy Turkey Day

Love, my two kids Jax and Jazzy   PS.  I made this using the Smart Board…remind me to show you how!!!

What are you THANKFUL for…

The countdown is on…only 7 more days until Thanksgiving!  I am challenging the Can Do Kids to leave ONE comment about what you are THANKFUL for each day under this post…Can you do it?  I know that each and every one of us have many blessings and this is a good time to think about that and what we are thankful for…Sometimes we forget to say “THANKS!” 

Mrs. Peterson and I have said it many times- but WE REALLY ARE SO THANKFUL TO HAVE EACH OF YOU in our special “Can Do Kid” class! 

We wish all of the people that check out our blog a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Guest Speaker! Mrs. VanZweden

We were lucky enough to have our AMAZING Reading Specialist come and share her African Experience with us!!!  A couple years ago, she and about 5 other teachers went to Guana, Africa to help children get into school.  If you remember, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to raise money for the children in that country as a school.  We also donated backpacks, books, toys and many other items!  Then our wonderful teacher hand delivered them to the kids!

Thanks again Mrs. VanZweden!!!

Addition Math Fluency

Our FINAL Math Fluency test before the end of the quarter will be Thursday, Oct. 28th!!! Keep practing those facts!  Can’t wait to see your score! 

Subtraction Strategies and Flash cards will be coming…starting 2nd Quarter!

Happy Adding!!!

COming Soon….Researchers Workshop

We have been reading, recording, investigating, observing …the list goes on and on during our “READER’s WORKSHOP’ – It has been sooooooooo much fun!  Just ask your child about it!  I know they will be excited to share with you all the LEARNING that has been going on in ROOM 305!  Videos and Pics coming soon!  Don’t forget to check back!


We need a PARENT VOLUNTEER on Wednesdays! You will be working with the students and copying papers for Mrs. Peterson and I!!! We NEED U! Let us know if you can help out! Thanks!

Rain Forest Cont…

and here are more!!!!!!!!!!  DO NOT


Picture Day

Just a reminder that tomorrow September 30th is PICTURE DAY!  Come with your FABULOUS smile!

Back To School Night Idea

For back to school we wanted to send a note home with each of our new students that would really make them smile.  We wanted something more than just a little slip of paper that said “Welcome Back”. We were  going for the FABULOUS FACTOR. 🙂 So, when Mrs. Peterson stumbled upon this concept I was pretty darn excited.  (Things like this make me feel like a kid on Christmas morning)  The idea is a scratch off  note.  Mrs. Peterson and I put our creative minds together and came up with this!!!  We LOVE working together!  The process was a bit time consuming…but totally worth it!  Happy Scratching!

Welcome …

We are so so so excited to meet you!

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