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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Love, Your Teacher

Thanks ONC!


Thank you so much to the Ogden Nature Center for giving us the opportunity to explore and learn all about UTAH Ecosystems!

Don’t forget to sign your kids up for the Summer Camps at the Nature Center!   There are amazing experiences being offered for all ages.  

I sent more info home with your children!   I signed my kidos up and can’t wait!

Ogden Nature Center

On March 18th we will be going on a field trip to the Ogden Nature Center! Remember, to dress to the weather we will be outside most of the time! I am really excited about this FT and have heard great things about it!

*Remember: Parents if you are planning on attending the Field Trip we will meet you there at 11:45 in the Parking Lot. Watch for the bus! Make sure you email me letting me know that you are coming!

CONGRATS to Ms. Wow!

A BIG CongratuLAtionS to our Ms. Wow!   She did WOW us!   She is the first member into our “100 Club”

Way to go!   We are so PROUD of you!  

 You are an ADDITION WHIZ KID!  



We are in need of GOLD FISH crackers for when we do Read Naturally Groups 🙂

If you are able to donate some for our class we would greatly appreciate it!

THANKS the Can Do Kids

Happy Valentine’s Day From my house to Yours!

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Student Power Points and Fluency Recordings

Please let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of your child’s Power Point they presented at conferences or their Reading Fluency Video.  
 I would be happy to email that to you!

BLUE slips

I hated to do this but I have a handful of students that just can’t quite get their classwork finished on time.   So, starting this week if your child brings home a blue slip, it is because they were not staying on task in class and did not finished the assigned work when they were suppose to 🙂   Please make sure you read it and sign it and send it back with the kidos!  
The kids seemed to like this idea!   I think that it will help them stay focussed in class and make the best choices! So that they do not have to stay in for break and finish their work!
Like I said it is only a handful of kids!   And hopefully, no one will have to be bringing it home.   I just wanted you to be aware of this in case you do see one!
Thank YOU for all your support!

Volunteers Needed For the Valentine Party!

Friday, Feb. 12th from 2-3:00 we would love some volunteers to help with our class party!   Please email me or send a note with your child letting me know if you are available!   We would really appreciate it! I already sent home the class list for your child’s Valentines- make sure you check their folder! Happy Hearts Day!

Hooray! Conferences went GREAT!

Thank you  to all of the parents that came to support their child! Your child has been working hard the last couple weeks on their Power Point and they were so excited to use our Smart Board and present it to you!   I was so proud of their Public Speaking Skills!!!   Also, I hope you enjoyed the short video clip of your kids reading in Sept and in January.   You can tell that the kids have more confidence in their reading!  

Yeah! For Conferences!

I am so excited to meet with all of YOU!  

 Way to GO Can Do Kids!

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