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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Link of the Week

Link of the Week: Measurement

Click the link above and you will find some fun Measurement Games that go along with our lessons in class!  Make sure you choose the Made to Measure tab after you click on the above link.  Then you will have many games to choose from!

Happy Measuring!

Fraction Action

Link of the Week!!!

There are so many wonderful Fraction Games and Probability Games that I would love for you to review over the weekend!  

 Click on the image below to get involved in some “Fraction Action!”  Have FUN!

Hooray! We finally started cursive!

Below are some links I found that provided free cursive practice sheets.  This way if you would like to have your child practice at home they can!!! The more the practice the easier it will get! 

Happy Writing!

Rain Forest Cont…

and here are more!!!!!!!!!!  DO NOT


Rain Forest Link

I am obsessed, there are so many cool places on the web filled with Rain Forest Information!  So- I had to share this one!  Very Cool- you can even click on the images and it brings up more facts… Play around with it!  I bet your schema is going to get HUGE on this topic this week!  Non FICTION is way COOL!

Click on the image below to find interesting info!!!

Rain Forest Research

We have been busy reading books, watching clips online, researching online and listening to speakers all on the topic: RAIN FORESTS!  There minds have been so curious and I have loved watching the light in their eyes spark up every time they learn a new fact or discover a WOW response! 

On these rainy days, I wanted to remind the kids that they can continue their research at home using the KID SAFE links on the right side bar.   There are so many articles, pages, images and videos out there with amazing information on this topic!

SO – for link of the week this week I am encouraging the kids to use the links on the right side bar to LEARN more! 

 The more you know the more you grow!!!

Happy Searching!

Math Magician Link

Link of the week!!!

Math Magician!  You can practice addition, subtraction, mulitplication or division fluency!

Have Fun!

Link of the Week:Addition Fluency

We are working hard to get 50DPM on our one minute timings on our addition facts!

Here is a LINK to help your kids practice their facts!

Happy Adding!



 Click the image above!!!

Math Fluency Links

Just in case you lost your Flash Cards we sent home … Here are some links to help you Master your Math Facts and become more fluent!!! We really want all of you to make it into the Goalie Club!!!! Click on the images below!


Happy Practicing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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