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A song to help us remember how to find the PERIMETER!


We hope you like it!!!

Measurement Rap

Here is a funny video I found on Teacher Tube for you to watch!   We have been learning about three kinds of Measurement – Length, Capacity and Weight in class the pass few weeks!   I thought this teacher was quite creative and you kids always like a good rap. I printed out the lyrics so I will get them to you next week!  


12 inches=1 foot

3 feet=1 yard

4 cups=1 quart

2 cups=1 pint

2 pints=1 quart

4 quarts=1 gallon

16 ounces=1 pound

1,000 grams=1 kilogram

and so on…. right!!!!   Happy Thinking to YOU!   Have a great weekend!

Using the Recorder on the Slate

Video 1 Video 2

Examples of us working out our Same Value Exchange Problems.

Same Value Exchange

Here is an example of the “Same Value” Exchange Math Strategy that we have been working on this week.   It is a way to add or subtract  3 and 4 digit numbers.   I will record the steps tomorrow for a better example, but for today here is an image for you to look at. Step 1: Say the top NUMBER Step 2: Write it out in Expanded Form Step 3: Say the bottom NUMBER Step 4: Write it out in Expanded Form Step 5:   You can start adding with any collumn, the hundreds, tens or ones…(make sure to break them apart) Step 6:   Circle the numbers that are alike (we say live in same house and family) tens, ones, ect. Step 7: Add up and write the correct number in STANDARD FORM This seems like a lot of steps, but if the kids can actually do this, they will RESPECT THE DECIMAL and have a better understanding of numbers which will help them in the upper grades! YOU will thank me later!   I learned the good ol’ Carrying and Borrowing way myself, it is a hard transition, but it totally makes sense and the children will get the RIGHT answer and know why they did when using this STRATEGY! We will post more examples soon!!!

  I had the kids COLOR CODE the steps!   I think it really helped them.   Here are a couple of examples that we did in class!   I was SO excited for them!  

Can Do Kid Challenge for the Weekend!

Hello Kidos, Your bonus assignment for this weekend is this fun MATH problem. ***Please leave your answer in a comment underneath this post! I am excited to see how DEEP your answers will be! I have been very proud of you in class, you are becoming NUMBER EXPERTS!  



the “replacement” method

We are in the process of learning a few strategies with addition and subtraction up to 4 digits.   Of course we have learned the good ol’ regrouping and slash  and dash method.   But, that is not the only way to solve math problems.   Today, the kids learned a fun “short cut” to help them when they have to subtract across zeros.   Here is an example!   They were so excited today!   Next week, we will be learning some fun STRATEGIES that I learned from Ms. Math!   I can’t wait to teach the kids!   There is always more than one way to solve a math problem!   Click on the link to watch an example!

Quick example of the REPLACEMENT method

Adding Strategies

In case your child has not told you, this quarter we are working on how to IMPROVE our Adding Fluency. In order to do this we have been learning many new addition strategies to help us ADD faster! Obviously, our goal is to memorize the facts… these will definitely help us to reach that goal!

Below are the “Adding Strategies” we use in class (Ms. Grow was kind enough to share her secrets) if you would like to reinforce them at home that would be great!

Each time we learn a new”strategy” we add a new set of Flash Cards to our collection. If you would like a copy of the Flash Cards please let me know. I would be happy to get you copy.

It would be nice if your child would practice their FACTS using Flash Cards or using the Link I previously posted – about 3 times a week to help improve their score.

3rd Grade Goal: 70 Digits Per Minute!!!

“Math CLUBS”

How  do you become a MEMBER of the



Well,   each Wednesday, we take a 1 minute Fluency   TIming (right now we are working on addition facts).     We record our scores and graph them to show our progress.   If we beat our SCORE by 10 digits from the previous week, then we become a MEMBER of the “Kick Off Club!”   It is a great way to motivate the children and show their progress!   We are so excited to watch your scores get higher and higher!   The NEXT Club that the CAN DO KIDS have an opportunity to be in is called the  


To be a MEMBER of the “Goalie” Club!   You have to reach the 3rd Grade Fluency Goal.   Right now we are focussing on Addition Facts.   Our 3rd Grade Goal is 70 Digits Per Minute!!! So as soon as you REACH the Grade Goal YOU will be a MEMBER!   Yeah!   How exciting is that???    

Finally, our last CLUB for Math is called the

 “100 Club!”    

If you are SPEEDY… you reach 100 Digits per minute!   Then you are part of the Elite “100 Club!” Each of these Clubs are strictly to motivate the students learning!   Our main goal is for the children to improve on their Math Fluency Facts each week.   It is nice for them to have the opportunity to see a visual of their “progress” on a graph!     Through Fact Practice with Flash Cards in Class and at home, and we  from practicing 1 minute timings throughout the week in class and/or using the online fact games at home  – we truly believe that our students CAN beat their scores each week!   Why?   Because we are the CAN DO KIDS!   PS. We will be notifying you with your child’s accompl

This quarter we are focussing on Addition Strategies~

It is important to MEMORIZE your addition facts!   Your kidos will be learning neat strategies to help with this as the weeks go by…but I just wanted to share with you this great link to practice their addition facts and help them to get fluent with them!  



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