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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Student Showcase

Check out our Final papers!!!

I am so proud of the Can Do Kids!   They had a blast doing this mini research project and did so well on their Paragraph writing!   Super Job kids!  

Happy Valentine’s Day From my house to Yours!

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Magic Mike Assembly

Our very own “Garfield” was chosen at the assembly today to entertain us with some other kids during one of the Magic Tricks. Check him out! Good Job! The assembly was fun and reminded us how important it is to READ and the READING is Magic!

Food Challenge

Before Christmas during our Food Unit, the kids had many food challenges.   One of them was to try out a recipe and eat a meal from a different culture.   Some kids were kind enough to share some pics with us! Happy Eating!!!

We are thankful for…

Aha!!! Guess what we just learned about

We have really enjoyed reading informational texts about the Planet, Our Solar System, Asteroids, Constellations and so on this week!   As we were reading we focused on our new READING STRATEGY… “Making AHA’s!”   I was so proud of the kids, as they were reading a selected text from the library about our topic, they were recording their “Aha’s!”   I LOVED seeing that light in their eyes as they were reading!   There was so much excitement and learning in our classroom!   Below are some fun Space Videos, along with the Can Do Kids’ sharing some of their AHA’s!   Enjoy!

A BIG thanks to the Rotary Club

Today we were all (3rd graders) given  a free dictionary donated to us from the Rotary CLub!   You should have saw the excitement in the kids’ they were thrilled to get them!   My students told me they were going to read their new dictionary, during their 20 minutes of reading tonight!   They always put a smile on my face!

Have a SPOOKY weekend!

With a little Witches Brew!

Happy Halloween from our West Haven Office Staff!

This is soooo funny!   I love it!
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Thank YOU Kristen Crow!

A special thanks to you!

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