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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Student Showcase

Fairy Tale Plays

Our students did a fabulous job with their plays!! Way to go!! We are so proud of you!

In case you missed them, you can watch my NOT so professional recording!! 

Sharing Time

Yes –  you are all awesome!!! // ]]>

We Can Change the World with our own Two Hands

The Can Do Kids did such a fabulous job on this Art Project. We are entering these Earth Day projects in the Ogden Nature Center Art Contest. Good Luck to each of you! I know I am bias, but I absolutely love all of these! They give out Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards. These artistic projects will be displayed in the Ogden Nature Center from April 16th to June 3rd 2011. The winners will be invited to an awards program on Earth Day April 16 at 10 am.    

Sneak peak of our ONC Adventure!

Little Leprechauns

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Snowman Chalk Art

This was one of my favorite Art Projects! You guys did a FabUlouS job!

Valentine Party

Let me start by saying…

 we have the best Moms EVER!!

 Thanks so much for planning such a fabulous party! The kids loved it!

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We had a box decorating contest and got some really fantastic boxes!

Way to go Can Do Kids!

Our wonderful moms helped with a Valentine craft,

chop-stick candy grab, puzzle contest, & balloon race! 

What a Fabulous Party!!

The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven

We read the poem The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven  By: Jack Prelutsky

Then we enjoyed some delicious Turkey!

Hope you all have a Fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday!

What are you THANKFUL for…

The countdown is on…only 7 more days until Thanksgiving!  I am challenging the Can Do Kids to leave ONE comment about what you are THANKFUL for each day under this post…Can you do it?  I know that each and every one of us have many blessings and this is a good time to think about that and what we are thankful for…Sometimes we forget to say “THANKS!” 

Mrs. Peterson and I have said it many times- but WE REALLY ARE SO THANKFUL TO HAVE EACH OF YOU in our special “Can Do Kid” class! 

We wish all of the people that check out our blog a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Leading Off With a Hit

In writing, we have been learning about LEADS.  The students had the chance to write their own lead that would leave us wanting more. 

They did a fabulous job, so I wanted to share one with you…

All of the sudden I woke up.  I listened for my parents.  I didn’t hear them.  I lighted a lamp and went outside.  Suddenly I saw a moving black figure.

By: Gracie

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