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Word Central

We started talking about my other favorite trait “Word Choice” this week!   We read an amazing story in Read Aloud that portrayed great WORD CHOICE…the can do kids felt like they were on the RAFT the whole time!  The author wrote so well, that I did not even show them the pics…and they created VIVID mental images!  I really recommend this book!

Can Do Kids:

Here is a great link to use while looking up BORING words and wanting to come up with WOW words… there is a Thesaurus ready for you to use!!!

Leading Off With a Hit

In writing, we have been learning about LEADS.  The students had the chance to write their own lead that would leave us wanting more. 

They did a fabulous job, so I wanted to share one with you…

All of the sudden I woke up.  I listened for my parents.  I didn’t hear them.  I lighted a lamp and went outside.  Suddenly I saw a moving black figure.

By: Gracie

Favorite Rain Forest Facts

Can Do Kids LOVE technology and using the computers… they had an amazing time learning how to use kid safe search engines to get facts, save pics and print them.  This week we learned how to use Drawing For Kids… to illustrate one of their fav. Rainforest Facts!  We hope you enjoy our mini show and learn something  new!!!


Who should win Mother of the Year 2010?

Listen to the Can Do Kids bragging about their wonderful mom’s!   They wanted to tell the world why they love and appreciate their mama’s!   The kids would love it if you would leave them a comment on their hard work mom’s!!!   We all LOVE you!   Enjoy your day!



Check out our Final papers!!!

I am so proud of the Can Do Kids!   They had a blast doing this mini research project and did so well on their Paragraph writing!   Super Job kids!  

our NEW YEAR resolutions

We are setting goals for the 2010 year!   We each have set a goal for at school and at home.   We want to BE the BEST we CAN be!   Please read them!

What is A “Can DO Kid?”

We have had a great time coming up with what a CAN DO KID is this week!   It has been sooo much fun!   Below you will see some of our first illustrations of what a Can Do Kid is and what they Can Do…  

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