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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Video of “That Analyzing Thing”

a few posts ago – I posted the lyrics to a song that we use to help us be better PROBLEM SOLVERS… here are the kids singing it…they wanted you to hear the song!  Enjoy!

What are you THANKFUL for…

The countdown is on…only 7 more days until Thanksgiving!  I am challenging the Can Do Kids to leave ONE comment about what you are THANKFUL for each day under this post…Can you do it?  I know that each and every one of us have many blessings and this is a good time to think about that and what we are thankful for…Sometimes we forget to say “THANKS!” 

Mrs. Peterson and I have said it many times- but WE REALLY ARE SO THANKFUL TO HAVE EACH OF YOU in our special “Can Do Kid” class! 

We wish all of the people that check out our blog a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Who is your hero?

Here are a couple pics from our Hero day at school – and don’t forget to check out Mrs. Newton as the Villan!  Don’t forget to read each students’ comments to see who they feel is their hero as of today! 

P.S. I just can’t stop smilin’ at Kylee – she strutted into to class with her tall, black high heels…everyone kept saying “Mrs. Slaugh, Kylee is YOU.”  It took me forever to figure it all out- bless her heart she said she was dressed up as me for her hero!  That was just one of those moments that I will never forget!  XOXOXOXO  

Who is your hero?  

 Read our comments!

Leading Off With a Hit

In writing, we have been learning about LEADS.  The students had the chance to write their own lead that would leave us wanting more. 

They did a fabulous job, so I wanted to share one with you…

All of the sudden I woke up.  I listened for my parents.  I didn’t hear them.  I lighted a lamp and went outside.  Suddenly I saw a moving black figure.

By: Gracie

Unit 2 Vocabulary in Math

Hooray! We finally started cursive!

Below are some links I found that provided free cursive practice sheets.  This way if you would like to have your child practice at home they can!!! The more the practice the easier it will get! 

Happy Writing!

3.4 Math Lesson Example

Using the Comparison Drawing and Bar Method


“That Analyzing Thing”

Do you know the tune to the Adam’s Family?

Here is a great way to memorize the steps  to SINGAPORE MATHSingapore Math goes really well with Unit 3 in our new math program!   I love it! I will record the kids singing and add it to the blog next week!  But, I just wanted to get you the lyrics now…in case your children wanted to use the steps in their Math Homework!!!

“That Analyzing Thing”

Underline the question.  Write a WHO, WHAT statement.

Read to each period and draw a matching bar.

(Don’t forget the question mark~!)

Use the diagram to choose an operation-+x/

Show my work on paper…

“That Analyzing Thing!”

Stay tuned…for more videos and recordings on this new math strategy used to solve math problems!

The Great Kapok Tree

Throughout our wonderful journey of Research Workshop…the children have been very serious about doing some sort of play that would tell the world how much the Rain Forest meant to them!  They wanted to get their VOICE HEARD…so this is what we came up with! 


Happy Watching!

PS. This is a great book to read with your class…it is great for teaching INFERRING!



Super Hero Day

Tomorrow- November 11th~ 

Make sure your child dresses up as their favorite Super Hero of any kind.  TV Character, to Book Character to real life Everyday Hero!

(Thanks for donating all those pennies to earn books for our library!!! and in case your child has not told you… Mrs. Newton will be dressing up as the Villan – just as the student body wanted!!! It will be exciting to see her!)

Remember: it is also a half day!  Students dismissed at 1:15pm.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Conferences went great! 

PS-We really are so thankful to have your children in our class! 

We have an extra special CAN DO KID family this year!


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