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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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100 Club

Fabulous, Incredible, Amazing, Wow…

Congratulations to one of the members of our Can Do Kids Family! Sage made it into the “100 Club” in Math Fluency! She made 101 digits per minute on our latest Addition Timing!

 So…if you see her make sure you Congratulate her!






What I learned about Africa~

Picture Day

Just a reminder that tomorrow September 30th is PICTURE DAY!  Come with your FABULOUS smile!

Math Magician Link

Link of the week!!!

Math Magician!  You can practice addition, subtraction, mulitplication or division fluency!

Have Fun!

Africa Research Cont.

You can see the kids with their clip boards and post its!  (which I have to tell you – they absolutely LOVE) They LOVE to record their THINKING and I LOVE that they are doing it!!!  They wanted to go to the lab and read more about African Animals, Culture, Weather, Food, HOmes ect.  It was so much fun!  Reading is sooooooo COOOOOOOL!

UNgrouping Method in Subtraction

Wow! We are already moving to Subtraction! We are going to start out the same as we did in Addition.  First, we will work on UNGROUPING in Proof Drawings and Expanded Method (which is like All Totals Method in Addition).  Please watch the videos if you have any problems working with your children at home!


They are going to be Place Value Masters!!!

Happy Subtracting!

More videos to come next week!


African Research

We have been learning all about Non Fiction texts and their Features!  We are currently creating our own “Non Fiction Feature Book.”  As we have been enjoying reading and adding new facts to our SCHEMA  with all of the fun NON Fiction we have been working with- we came up with an IDEA!  Since our Class Theme is Jungle related: we should study the continent of Africa~

So, I went to the library and checked out all the Africa topic books, videos ect. 

We started by RECORDING everything that We Already KNEW about Africa… then we charted what “Questions” we had about Africa! 

Next, we will continue to read books, and online information…and record all the NEW FACTS that we have added to our SCHEMA!

I love watching the Can Do Kids “read and think” it is so FABULOUS!  Way to go kidos!  I am so proud of you!

Please click on the links below to LEARN more about AFRICA!


Yeah!  Have fun learning!

CAN DO KID portraits

We are very impressed with how well our kidos did on this first art project!  Way to go Can Do Kids!  You are awesome at art and illustrating! We are proud of you!

Click on it to enlarge!

Value of a Digit!

Addition Methods

Click on the links below to see an example of each Addition Method we have been using in room 305~

Proof Drawing, All Totals Method (Ms. Math), New Groups Below and New Groups Above!  Happy Adding!

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