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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Reflections Contest

Reflections Contest

Theme: Together We Can

Due: Mon. October 4

This year the PTA is promising the grade with the most entries a

Rootbeer Float Party!!

Please encourage your student to participate and

showcase their incredible talents!

For more information visit the following site…


Link of the Week:Addition Fluency

We are working hard to get 50DPM on our one minute timings on our addition facts!

Here is a LINK to help your kids practice their facts!

Happy Adding!



 Click the image above!!!

Cross Checking Strategy We Use!

Doubles Power Point

Schema Schema

The Can Do Kids have been learning new Reading Stragegies each day in class!  Our main focus has been that READING is THINKING! and Comprehension in UNDERSTANDING!  We have wonderful readers in our 3rd grade class…our job is to make sure that they understand what they read 🙂 Here are the Can Do Kids singing “Schema Schema”!

Don’t forget to ask your child what SCHEMA means!!!!

Happy Reading!

Rumble in the Jungle

1st Day Of School Getting To Know You Activity

What is more FUN than baLLOon PoppInG????

The kids really enjoyed choosing a balloon and having the opportunity to pop it by stomping on it, using a pin or whatever they wanted!!!  Then wala!  Out popped a “Getting to know you type of question!”  It was so much fun!  Thanks Can Do Kids for playing with us!  

Back To School Night Idea

For back to school we wanted to send a note home with each of our new students that would really make them smile.  We wanted something more than just a little slip of paper that said “Welcome Back”. We were  going for the FABULOUS FACTOR. 🙂 So, when Mrs. Peterson stumbled upon this concept I was pretty darn excited.  (Things like this make me feel like a kid on Christmas morning)  The idea is a scratch off  note.  Mrs. Peterson and I put our creative minds together and came up with this!!!  We LOVE working together!  The process was a bit time consuming…but totally worth it!  Happy Scratching!

A Quiet Place

This is one of my favorite books to start the school year off!  Not only do I love the illustrations, but I love thinking of the character in the story!  Day 2 of school and I am trying to teach love of reading to my sweet class!  I always model to them how important books are to me and how they are dear to my heart!  Every book is my favorite book!  In this text, I love how the character has a wild imagination with great describing words.  It really is a beautiful book!   This book is about how everyone needs a QUIET PlACE sometimes- rather to just think or to read…so after we read it we TURNed and TaLked about where OUR QuiEt PlaCe would be!  The discussions were so vivid!  I loved it!  Then we concluded with the question….Where Do GOOD Readers READ???  and this is what our FABULOUS students came up with! (check out our class comments)

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We are so so so excited to meet you!

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