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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Another fun way to practice for the CORE Test Each student has a login and a password…if Utips is down, have your child go to this site, log in and then choose 3rd Grade!   There are many tests to practice!

The FINAL vote went in and our city name is


Which I do love!   I think it totally fits us, since we are the Can Do Kids and we can do ANYTHING!   It was a very close race!   When the polls came in the results were CAN DO CITY 8 SMARTVILLE 6 CDKville 6 All three of the top names were wonderful!   Thanks to all of you that participated in coming up with our city name!   Good Luck tonight on your Class Flag Sketch!

Mini Society Jobs


Take time to read through the Job Descriptions to decide what jobs you would like to apply for!   You will be filling out your Job Application very soon!

Mini Society

We just started our Mini Society Unit this week!   The kids are so excited and so am I.   A couple of things that are happening this week are:

We need to vote on our Class City Name

We need to vote on a Mayor

We need to design a City Flag

My favorite part is listening to the Mayor Speeches! They will be on Thursday and Friday of this week!   Here is our First Note about Mini Society!   More info. to come!!!

Attention! Plants Needed!

One of our upcoming Jobs include a Class Gardener… we would really appreciate it if you could donate a flower, plant or a potted seed for our Class Garden!   Please send one to school with your child this week if possible!   Thank YOU so much~                                                                                                   Love,                                                                                                                   The Can Do Kids

Hamburger and Rootbeer Float Party

  Congrats to all our kidos that have been working hard on memorizing their Multiplication Facts, memorizing our fun songs, learning the “Hints and Tricks” and playing all the fun online games!   Keep it up- we need to get to 50 DPM on our timings!   We are SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you all!

It is that time of YEAR again! Core Testing is coming sooooon!

Howdy!   I sent a note home today reminding students about the FUN Test Practice Link that I added to our BLOG!   It is on the left hand side bar at the bottom and it is called  “UTIPS!”   I took time today to show the kids how to login and take the test!   They were all cheering!   I can tell they are excited to practice!   The point of this is to help the children get familiar with the wording of the questions.   Another reason, is that the test is taken in the Computer Lab…so it will also help them get used to taking the text on the computer.   They will need to read texts on the computer and rework math problems on scratch paper!!! So overall, it is a little bit different than they are used to!     The GOAL for the children is to take each test and pass with 85% or higher. Please have your child retake the test if they scored below the 85%!   If you have any questions let me know!

Thanks ONC!


Thank you so much to the Ogden Nature Center for giving us the opportunity to explore and learn all about UTAH Ecosystems!

Don’t forget to sign your kids up for the Summer Camps at the Nature Center!   There are amazing experiences being offered for all ages.  

I sent more info home with your children!   I signed my kidos up and can’t wait!

Our Field Trip

What a FUN way to learn about our Ecosystems in Utah!   We were all so involved and learned so much!  



Ogden Nature Center

On March 18th we will be going on a field trip to the Ogden Nature Center! Remember, to dress to the weather we will be outside most of the time! I am really excited about this FT and have heard great things about it!

*Remember: Parents if you are planning on attending the Field Trip we will meet you there at 11:45 in the Parking Lot. Watch for the bus! Make sure you email me letting me know that you are coming!

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