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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Summer Vacation

Maybe this song will cheer you up!  I am just as sad as you!  It broke my heart to see your tears!  Our class is very special and we will always have our special Can Do Kid bond!   I am so grateful for all of you and Mrs. Peterson!  Make sure you leave your favorite memory on the blog and keep in touch!  Hopefully, your personal video will help you remember all of our Fabulous Times in 3rd Grade!  

Have FUN this summer, just like this song says! 

 Happy Summer Vacation!


Thank U so much!

Just a quick THANK YOU to our FABULOUS Can Do Kids! We have told you this one million times, but we just want you to know how proud we are of you! Your SCHEMA has grown SOOOOOOOOOOO much! Keep working hard this summer so that you stay on top!

We ♥ you!

You will always have a place in our hearts! 

Can Do Kids forever!!!

Fairy Tale Plays

Our students did a fabulous job with their plays!! Way to go!! We are so proud of you!

In case you missed them, you can watch my NOT so professional recording!! 

Donations Needed!


The final week of school is actually here!!! Ahh!  We can’t believe  it!  Business Day went so well as usual!  Very proud of all you kidos for all your hard work in “Mini Society” this year!  To conclude our journey in our Economics Unit, we are going to have an AUCTION with all that extra money you still have in your wallet! 

When:  Wednesday, 9:15am, in Room 305 (our classroom)

We are inviting Ms. Grow and Miss Alsup’s class in with us for the Auction!


We need some items donated for our Auction.  I went out and purchased some items last night.  But, we are still in need of some more!  So, if it is at all possible we would appreciate a FUN donation that the kids would want to bid on!

We appreciate all your support with this!  Please send them in on Monday if possible!

Thank YOU so much!

Hooray for Volunteers

  To a Special Volunteer –(Author Unknown) Sometimes we seem so lucky, Or maybe we’re just blessed, When there seems to be too much to do- Along comes a volunteer like you! You’ve made our days much brighter, Our work a joy to share, We know we’ll always make it through- As long as there’s a volunteer like you! Just one more shout out for the FabUlous Volunteers that helped us on our Learning Safari this year as we were WiLd about LearNing in 3rd Grade!

We appreciate u so much!  You will always be in our hearts!


What is going on?

Friday is a crazy, busy day!

Can Do Kids… I will meet you at the Hawk Walk at 7am.

Following that we will have our JB party 😉

We will take our final Fluency test on Addition and Subtraction and a few clicker tests 🙂

Don’t forget about Business Day from 2:00pm – 3:00 pm!!!

Sounds like so much fun!!!

Next week is crazy, busy too with your Play Day, the Auction, Field Day and the

 last day of school 🙁

We have loved you all so much!  Let’s enjoy every last second we have together!


We are proud to announce that we will be preforming PLAYS!!! We would love to have you join us in the 3rd grade kiva on

Tuesday May 24th at 9:15 AM. 

Our students have been working so hard and are super excited to show off their talents!

Fremont High BasketBall Camp

Did you know that FHS Boys Basketball Team has been

Back-To-Back Region 1 Basketball Champions!


Hey Boys! My really good friend, Corey Melaney is the amazing Head Basketball Coach at Fremont High School! He informed me that he is putting on a Basketball Camp! If you love playing ball or know anyone that does, I encourage you to sign up!     I know Corey will make this an unbelievable experience for you!

Fremont High (main and small gyms)

May 31st-June3rd Boys entering 3rd-6th 9:00am-10:30am Boys entering 10th-12th 10:30-12:30

May 24th-May 27th Boys entering 7th-9th 7pm-8pm

$40 pre register to FHS or you may register at the door the day of the Camp for $50 You may drop of your paymet at the office or mail it in to: Fremont High School c/o Corey Melaney 1975 N. 4700 W. Plain City, UT 84404 ***Camp will feature instruction from the FHS staff and players PRIZES AWARDS COMPETITIONS AND DAILY REFRESHMENTS If you have any questions contact Corey Melaney

iPhone Wallpaper - Basketball Superpowers Activate!!!

Can Do Kids Never Say Never

We LOVE this song!  It goes perfect with our Can Do Kid theme!!! 

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