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Measurement Rap

Here is a funny video I found on Teacher Tube for you to watch!   We have been learning about three kinds of Measurement – Length, Capacity and Weight in class the pass few weeks!   I thought this teacher was quite creative and you kids always like a good rap. I printed out the lyrics so I will get them to you next week!  


12 inches=1 foot

3 feet=1 yard

4 cups=1 quart

2 cups=1 pint

2 pints=1 quart

4 quarts=1 gallon

16 ounces=1 pound

1,000 grams=1 kilogram

and so on…. right!!!!   Happy Thinking to YOU!   Have a great weekend!

our NEW YEAR resolutions

We are setting goals for the 2010 year!   We each have set a goal for at school and at home.   We want to BE the BEST we CAN be!   Please read them!

Food Challenge

Before Christmas during our Food Unit, the kids had many food challenges.   One of them was to try out a recipe and eat a meal from a different culture.   Some kids were kind enough to share some pics with us! Happy Eating!!!

Who, what, when, where, why and how…

Merry Christmas From My Fam to Yours

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The Can Do Kids are taking the 5 a Day Challenge!

Starting today please make sure you log all the FRUITS and VEGGIES you eat on the record sheet sent home today!   Remember to return it to school on Dec. 18th!   We all need to work on this, especially during this time of year! Click on the link to SING the 5 a Day Song!   The kids love it!

5-a-day Song

Here is the 5 A DAY game you can play too!

Using the Recorder on the Slate

Video 1 Video 2

Examples of us working out our Same Value Exchange Problems.

Favorite Class Recipes

It is time to SHARE your favorite recipe with not only our class but the world! Please share your FAVORITE recipe as a comment below! It will be fun to try out all the recipes!     PS..   CHECK out MRS. WESTERGARD’s Time for Supper blog!   How cool is that …she has her own blog that includes all of her favorite recipes!  

Happy Cooking!

Food Pyramid Fun

This week we started to learn about the importance of eating 5A DAY and eating from the Food Pyramid!   Here is a fun game for your child to enjoy at home!   More activities will be posted soon!

Food Pyramid Game

We are part of HISTORY!

Guess what?   Our name “Mrs. Slaugh’s and Mrs. Westergard’s  3rd Grade Class   West Haven Elementary -2009” will be carried to Mars on a Microchip carried by NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Rover!  

We are so excited, we were told at Astro Camp that it will arrive in 2012!      

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