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Hey Can Do KIds…

Look up TOP! Yes, I finally added some of my favorite Educational Links for you to enjoy!   See you on Wednesday!

Thank YOU Kristen Crow!

A special thanks to you!

Here are some regrouping resources that I use to help the children!

View more presentations or Upload your own.
  It is amazing the ppts that you can find out there that people have shared for teachers to use in the classroom.   I love creating my own, but I also love  to adapt  some I find  to fit our needs!   The internet is a wonderful place for collaboration!


We have been using our SCHEMA so much the last few weeks.   THe kids love to use their “schema” when trying to make connections with the text we read.   They also really enjoy adding NEW FACTS to their “schema” while reading informational texts!   I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they tell me that their “schema” about a specific topic is GROWING!!!!     Nothing like getting kids excited to read!   If you would like more information about schema click here: Enjoy our SONG we sing!   It helps us to remember what “schema” is!

Kristen Crow

Wow!   Were we blessed today!   We all got to meet a famous author!   Kristen Crow came to our School with an amazing presentation on the process of writing a book.   She had the children’s attention the whole time, with an amazing ppt and musical parts!   Her books were also great!   I bought one for my children at home.   If you have not heard of her, check out her books, they are great for school and home!   The cool thing is she lives in Layton, Utah!  

Here is a video of her reading one of her books to all of the 3rd grade and the kids using some musical instruments to make the story fun!   P.S. Hopefully you have all returned your invite to the Family Literacy Night to school, they are due Monday… and it is going to be at the Treehouse on Thursday the 15th at 6:30.   We have some fun stuff planned and Kristen will be there signing books and selling them!   Don’t miss out on our School’s Literacy Fun!




Seriously, one of my favorite books of all time~ At first, the illustrations blew me away.   I loved how realistic they were. Then, a few years back, I read this for the first time to my class and it melted my heart!   It made my heart so happy!   I was sooooo touched!   I use this every year in my teaching and it makes such a difference in my students!   It has such a great impact on them!  

Even the smallest acts of kindness can powerfully impact the lives of others. With  just a simple gesture (a smile) you could ignite a circle of warmth that flows from person to person, touching the hearts and lives of people  you  may never even meet.


I am challenging EACH of my students to PAY IT FORWARD this week.   (and also for the rest of their lives)   1st:   Share the impact that Katie had in this story with your family. 2nd:   Think of 20 acts of KINDNESS with your family, discuss them and how powerful they are.

3rd: Pay it FORWARD to someone this week.  

4th:   Please leave a comment about HOW you “Paid it Forward” this week.   You as the student can leave a comment or any one in your family could leave a comment.   ON THURSDAY– I will check who has left me a comment and we will read them in class.   The children will be rewarded if they and or their family  particiapte in this activity. Good luck and have fun!

Perfect Pet

Have you ever really, really wanted a pet but your parents did not agree?   Well, if you have then you probably will enjoy this book!   This story so funny, it is actually a Humurous Fiction story.   We had a great time reading it and the whole time I was reading it my student’s were touching their heart.   (when they touch their heart, that means that they are having a TEXT to SELF connection)    I absolutely LOVE to listen to my students thinking and hear about all their connections to the text we read.   If you have not read this book before WE (the Can Do Kids) totally recommend it to you!   Your class or your family would really enjoy it!

Please share your Personal “Text to Self” Connection with the world!  


The Can Do Kids are so excited!   We finally started Cursive this week!   Remember, we do not want the children to complete any assignments or homework in cursive until we have finished teaching them how to write it!     We will send home practice sheets occassionally!  
Week 48: Cursive

MVP Schedule

Here is a copy of our CLASS MVP Schedule!   In case you wanted to know! Your child will celebrate their Birthday during the week they are MVP!

MVP Schedule 2009-10

“BAD WoRds!”

Our 1st Can Do Kid production-   check out one of our absolute favorite Poems from our Personal Reader!   It fits right with our Can Do Kid philosophy!   Enjoy!

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