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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Castle Test


Sharing Time

Yes –  you are all awesome!!! // ]]>


One of the latest comprehension strategies we have been using in class! These kids are amazing! Thank you so much for being so Fabulous and Perfect today when Mrs. Newton came in to observe! I am so proud of each of you!!!

Wanted: Volunteers for this Friday

I sent a note home explaining I wanted to have a  Measurement Center Celebration on Friday, April 15th from 12:45pm – 2:00pm- I need a few more volunteers to help me with the centers!  If you can help us out, write me a note or leave me a post!

Thanks Everyone~

Business Day Info

Please watch for a note coming home this week with all the details!  But, mark your calendar April 29, 2011 1:45pm-3:00pm and May 21, 2011 1:45pm-3:00pm The buying and selling will take place in the gym/lunchroom. 

Can’t wait- this will be so much fun!!!


It is that time of year again…. Core Review…we will be reviewing each day in class for the next 2 weeks!  Your children will be expected to take the UTIPS tests, from the LINK-TAB located on the Left Side of our blog…towards the bottom.  The directions are also on that link!  It will help them get prepared for the State Core Test.  This will be their first time taking a Core Test, and their first time taking a test like that on a Computer.  Make sure your child completes each test on that link with 85% or better~! 

Happy Testing!

Family Fun Mini Carnival

Our FabUlous PTA is putting on our first annual “Mini Carnival” April 21st 4-7 pm in the school gym~

We will have 12 exciting games, a fortune teller, balloon animals, cotton candy, popcorn, donuts, soda and prizes.  The games, fortune teller and popcorn are just 1 ticket each.  Everything else is 2 tickets each.  Get your tickets today!

TICKETS: 4 for $1.00 or 25 for $5.00

Tickets will be on sale after school this week and next Monday-Wed.  Tickets will be sold 3 for $1.00 on the day of the carnival. 

Animal Homes


Congrats to our new Mayor

Congrats to our Sage!  Everyone did so well today!  I am so impressed with each of you who participated today!  And I also want to congratulate Shaylynn for doing such an awesome job on her flag.  Her flag one our flag contest.  I was so so so impressed with all of our FLAGS too- you are all such artistic artists!  Way to go!  I love our class so much! 

Can Do City Job Openings

You will have the opportunity to apply for class jobs on Monday. Look over each job description and decide which one you feel you would be excellent at.

Happy Job Hunting!

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