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Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
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Guess What?

Hey Kids, I put the lyrics to some of our favorite songs, under the ABOUT US section! Check it out! On Thurs or Fri I will video you guys singing our “CLASS SONGS” the Friendship song and the Strong song! Then we can put those songs on our new page on our blog! K- see you all soon! Hope you have had a FaBulOUs week~!

Sneak peak of our ONC Adventure!

Fraction Action

Link of the Week!!!

There are so many wonderful Fraction Games and Probability Games that I would love for you to review over the weekend!  

 Click on the image below to get involved in some “Fraction Action!”  Have FUN!

We feel so lucky to know you!

Fraction Set Example 11.3

Happy St. Patty’s Day from my sweet kidos!

Hi guys, I know how much you love checkin’ out my silly kids!  Here they are posing for the camera, and I couldn’t help it – I had to post some more of the twins.  Between my kids and Mrs. Peterson’s you are always seeing cute pics ha?  Enjoy!   (Click this link to check out my niece and nephew’s first photo shoot)


We have really enjoyed reading informational texts this past week. As we were reading we focused on our new READING STRATEGY… “Making AHA’s!” I was so proud of the kids, as they were reading a selected text from the library about our topic, they were recording their “Aha’s!” I LOVED seeing that light in their eyes as they were reading! There was so much excitement and learning in our classroom!

Little Leprechauns

Create your own video slideshow at


We are in need of BLACK FINE POINT LOW ODOR dry erase markers in class. 

We use them every day! 

Any donations would be appreciated!  Thank you so much for all you do and all your support!!!

Love, the Can Do Kids

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow we are going on a Field Trip to the Nature Center!  We will be learning about Ecosystems!  Make sure your child wears hiking shoes and warm clothes, we will be outside most of the time!  It will be such a great learning experience for the kids! *If you are a parent and are coming see you at 11:45am at the ONC! 

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