Posts Tagged ‘add’
Same Value Exchange
I had the kids COLOR CODE the steps! I think it really helped them. Here are a couple of examples that we did in class! I was SO excited for them!
Adding Strategies
In case your child has not told you, this quarter we are working on how to IMPROVE our Adding Fluency. In order to do this we have been learning many new addition strategies to help us ADD faster! Obviously, our goal is to memorize the facts… these will definitely help us to reach that goal!
Below are the “Adding Strategies” we use in class (Ms. Grow was kind enough to share her secrets) if you would like to reinforce them at home that would be great!
Each time we learn a new”strategy” we add a new set of Flash Cards to our collection. If you would like a copy of the Flash Cards please let me know. I would be happy to get you copy.
It would be nice if your child would practice their FACTS using Flash Cards or using the Link I previously posted – about 3 times a week to help improve their score.
3rd Grade Goal: 70 Digits Per Minute!!!
“Math CLUBS”
“KICK OFF CLUB”?![football2](
Well, each Wednesday, we take a 1 minute Fluency TIming (right now we are working on addition facts). We record our scores and graph them to show our progress. If we beat our SCORE by 10 digits from the previous week, then we become a MEMBER of the “Kick Off Club!” It is a great way to motivate the children and show their progress! We are so excited to watch your scores get higher and higher! The NEXT Club that the CAN DO KIDS have an opportunity to be in is called the