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Posts Tagged ‘one’

Free Math Worksheets

Here is a great place to print off 1 minute timing Fact Practice sheets and all other Math concepts!   Enjoy it is all FREE!!!




Seriously, one of my favorite books of all time~ At first, the illustrations blew me away.   I loved how realistic they were. Then, a few years back, I read this for the first time to my class and it melted my heart!   It made my heart so happy!   I was sooooo touched!   I use this every year in my teaching and it makes such a difference in my students!   It has such a great impact on them!  

Even the smallest acts of kindness can powerfully impact the lives of others. With  just a simple gesture (a smile) you could ignite a circle of warmth that flows from person to person, touching the hearts and lives of people  you  may never even meet.


I am challenging EACH of my students to PAY IT FORWARD this week.   (and also for the rest of their lives)   1st:   Share the impact that Katie had in this story with your family. 2nd:   Think of 20 acts of KINDNESS with your family, discuss them and how powerful they are.

3rd: Pay it FORWARD to someone this week.  

4th:   Please leave a comment about HOW you “Paid it Forward” this week.   You as the student can leave a comment or any one in your family could leave a comment.   ON THURSDAY– I will check who has left me a comment and we will read them in class.   The children will be rewarded if they and or their family  particiapte in this activity. Good luck and have fun!

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