Posts Tagged ‘schema’
Schema Schema
The Can Do Kids have been learning new Reading Stragegies each day in class! Our main focus has been that READING is THINKING! and Comprehension in UNDERSTANDING! We have wonderful readers in our 3rd grade class…our job is to make sure that they understand what they read 🙂
Here are the Can Do Kids singing “Schema Schema”!
Don’t forget to ask your child what SCHEMA means!!!!
Happy Reading!SchemA!
We have been using our SCHEMA so much the last few weeks. THe kids love to use their “schema” when trying to make connections with the text we read. They also really enjoy adding NEW FACTS to their “schema” while reading informational texts! I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they tell me that their “schema” about a specific topic is GROWING!!!! Nothing like getting kids excited to read! If you would like more information about schema click here:
Enjoy our SONG we sing! It helps us to remember what “schema” is!
This week we have been reading some INFORMATIONAL texts on Penguins. The neatest part about this is that we have been “adding” new FACTS to our SCHEMA! I love listening to them when they have a aha moment. The excitement fills the room and everyone is enjoying to read! Some of the new facts that we learned these last couple days were: