Welcome to our 3rd Grade Blog! Where we are "WILD" about learning! We are so glad you're here. You can click on our main feature buttons below if you'd like to jump to posts under those topics. We hope you enjoy browsing around!
Welcome Quest Academy! Thanks for coming to our BLOG!
I hope you enjoyed learning about all the fun stuff we do in room 305! It was great to work with all of you! You are all so nice and I love your enthusiasm for learning!
Reading is my favorite subject to teach! Please let me know if you ever have a question or need anything!
I will post VIDEOS of my Can Do Kids working in Literature and Inquiry Circles as soon as I teach them this year!!!
Here is the THEMED literature circle link I shared with you!
Thank you so much for coming to Quest last night, I speak for myself as well as all of the TA’s when I say “You are an Amazing teacher, and are truly on fire about Reading” Thanks for sharing your time and wonderful ideas with us. We will forever use what you have taught us. Toni Painter
Thank you so much for the wonderful training. You are an amazing teacher and the kids in your class are so lucky to have you. The information you presented was awesome and I can’t wait to get started implementing all your wonderful ideas into reading groups. Thank you again, and best of luck this school year.
Becky Chidester
Thank you so much for coming to Quest last night, I speak for myself as well as all of the TA’s when I say “You are an Amazing teacher, and are truly on fire about Reading” Thanks for sharing your time and wonderful ideas with us. We will forever use what you have taught us. Toni Painter
Thank you so much for the wonderful training. You are an amazing teacher and the kids in your class are so lucky to have you. The information you presented was awesome and I can’t wait to get started implementing all your wonderful ideas into reading groups. Thank you again, and best of luck this school year.
Becky Chidester