Thursday March 26

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Thursday, March 26: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: ABC Song

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Lets talk and think about what kinds of things we can do to help out at home. 

Let’s write our lowercase letters

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math
Students will have an assigned comprehension check (blue lesson) in their iReady math lessons today. You can check their score on this assessment by going to “My Progress” and then selecting “Completed Work”.  If your child scores 80% or higher they are ready to continue with the math lessons this week. If they score below 80%, they would benefit from additional practice. They can complete any unfinished pages in the Lesson 27 math packet. And they can complete this additional teen numbers practice activity. 

Math Lesson 27: 
Math Lesson 27 Session 4
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: 10 frames and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons)
Additional Practice Activity

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: If you have legos or blocks make a tower.

Coloring Page:
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Ms. Carrie is our Guest Reader today. She will be reading “I’m going to be the best Astronaut ever!”
Guest Reader: Ms Carrie

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