Wednesday April 8

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Wednesday, April 8th: (click on colored wording to access each links)

(check your email for meeting room numbers and passwords)
AM 8:30
PM 9:30
Small groups look at your schedule
Morning Song:  ABC Song

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts/ELA Lessons 
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Think and talk about what makes you a good citizen.

Writing: Practice Sentence Writing
Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your writing journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is: If I could be an animal, I would be a _________.
Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

MovementChoose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math: Lesson 28 Session 3
Supplies needed: 10 frames and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons) and Number Bond white board page (this page was put into your new packet put it in the sleeve protector [one in your first packet] to use as a white board), dry erase marker
With Mrs. Ronda

Practice counting to 100
Count to 100 with Grandma & Grandpa – Jack Hartman Video

RAZ-KIDS read a book or two

Guest Reader: Mrs. Roper
Join Mrs Roper while she reads “llama llama gram and grandpa” to you and her grandson. 

Sink and Float

Miscellaneous Practice and For Fun:

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