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I am so excited to WELCOME our new students into KINDERGARTEN!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to Blog” (found on the right sidebar at the top). In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and Supply List.

Important: For the first week of school (August 19-23), we will not be having regularly scheduled class. Instead, we will be giving each individual student an extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. I use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math. As soon as possible, please click on the link below and schedule a time that works best for you to bring your student into our classroom for testing. Parents are welcome to wait outside the classroom while the testing is administered. 


The first day of Kindergarten class will be Monday, August 26. We look forward to meeting you at Back to School Night on Friday, August 16th at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.

See you soon!
Mrs. Hill

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