Tuesday March 24

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Tuesday, March 24: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: Phonics Song – ABC

Language Arts and ELA
We are on Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 10.05.45 AM Peter’s Chair is our Literature Book this week in Wonders
Peter’s Chair

Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your yellow journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is: My favorite chore at home is ________________.
Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math Lesson 27: 
Math Lesson 27 Session 2
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: Lesson 27 math packet

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: Why do we get hiccups?
Mrs. Anderson is our Guest Reader today. She misses seeing you in library on Mondays. She is reading “HICCUPotamus”. ENJOY!
Guest Reader: Mrs. Anderson

Coloring Page:
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