Last Day of Kindergarten May 22nd

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Hello Everyone!
This is the blog post that I have been dreading!
I know the end of this school year comes with a little bit of relief for some but I am truly sad. Your kiddos have proven that “THEY CAN DO HARD THINGS” (I’m crying). Through blurring eyes I want you to know that I love your kids. I know I can speak for Mrs. Roper when I say she loves them too.  We truly want what is best for them and they will all have a piece of our hearts forever. 

Please plan to pick up their bags and return their devices on Tuesday May 26th 7:30am – 5:30pm or Wednesday May 27th 7:30am – 5:30pm (Just FYI…Mrs. Roper and I will be there Wednesday the 27th from 7:30am – 12:30am if you want to come then, wave and make us cry). If you don’t make it to the school I will contact you and I will work out a time I can bring you your students items. 

Today’s Schedule:
We will be watching some of our friends in the talent show followed by a video of some pictures of our class. Then we will sign off and your kiddos will be officially 1st Graders!
I will be posting links to both videos shortly after our classes watch them together. 
AM kinder 8:30 in my Zoom Room
PM kinder 9:30 in my Zoom Room

THANK YOU for all of the support you have shown me this year. I have the best parents! You have been patient and kind. I cannot thank you enough!

With lots of Love,
Mrs. Hill

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