Razkids in Kindergarten

I have several students that have not yet logged into Razkids. Here are the instructions if you would take a few minutes and get your student set up on a device at home. We spent some time in kindergarten this week showing your student how to use Razkids. Help them get excited about reading. Thank you!

Your child will have home access to a Raz-Kids account this school year.

Raz-Kids is an online leveled-reading program. Students can listen to books, read books, record themselves reading the books, take short quizzes to check for comprehension, and personalize their avatar and rocket in the Star Zone.

We will use student data from our Kindergarten entry assessments to determine reading level. Please note that these levels are adjustable. Let us know if you feel the level is too difficult or too easy. There will be an adjustment period as we determine the right fit for each child.

To access the program simply click here: RAZ-KIDS
Teacher login: chillkinder
Password: is on the inside of your students green take home folder.

Please fill out homework reading log each week. We love to see our students earn prizes.

Important Reminders


Tomorrow, Thursday September 3rd is a short day out at 12:55

Friday -NO SCHOOL for students

Monday is Labor Day, NO SCHOOL

HOMEWORK – Reading log is due tomorrow

UNIFORM CHECK – please be sure your student is wearing approved uniform and shoes each day.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER – If you are interested… book orders are due by Friday September 4th by 12:00 pm. Thank you to those that have ordered, our classroom appreciates it so much!

ABOUT ME BAGS – If you have not yet sent your student with their “About Me Bag” please do so ASAP so they can be introduced to our class and be able to participate in this activity.

First Day of Kindergarten – Monday August 31

Here are few things to remember for the first day of kindergarten:

*The mask mandate states that while on school property you must wear a mask (this includes while walking from your car to the doors). Please label all masks with your child’s name.

*Parents you are welcome to bring your student to class the first day of school. Please try and wait until about 8:20 to bring your student down. Thank you!

*Pick up will be at 2:55 pm Mondays-Thursdays and Fridays (or any short day) will be 12:55 pm. Pick up will be outside the east doors of the elementary behind the black fence between Q1 and Q2. The Kindergarteners will stay with me until someone has come to pick them up. Please be on time.


*Please bring headphones with your child’s name on them the first day of school. (If you haven’t already done so)

*Make sure your child has a water bottle with them every day with their name on it (WATER ONLY).

*If you are bringing home lunch—Remember there are NO microwaves.

*Remember your “green folder” and “about me bag”

*Kindergarten is going to be exhausting for these little ones. Please be sure to help them get their rest and some breakfast before school. I am so excited to have your child in my class and get this year started! See you Monday!

So FUN Meeting Everyone… and a couple reminders ;)

Thank you EVERYONE for coming into Kindergarten Testing! They all did fabulous!! It was so fun to meet everyone! We are so excited to get this year started with you.

I will be sending home a copy of your students test results the first day of school in their folders. If you have any questions please let me know. Keep in mind they were nervous and had never met me. If the results don’t necessarily match what you think they should have been we will be assessing in class often and in a few weeks we will send you an update. You will be amazed at what they can do in a few weeks.

Remember to bring headphones the first day of school
Bring a water bottle each day