HELLO EVERYONE! ALTHOUGH WE DO NOT HAVE A SUPPLY LIST FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN… WE ARE ASKING THAT YOU PROVIDE YOUR STUDENT WITH THEIR OWN (DURABLE) SET OF HEADPHONES. We will be using them daily. So if possible please send them with your student their first day of school (you are welcome to bring them in early to testing). They do not need to be expensive. In all honestly a cheaper not so fancy pair have generally lasted longer than the more expensive decorative kind, but it is your choice. We will store them in their own ziplock bag. (NO EAR BUDS!!!….PLEASE)

Reading Homework

Your child will have home access to a Raz-Kids account this school year.

Raz-Kids is an online leveled-reading program. Students can listen to books, read books, record themselves reading the books, take short quizzes to check for comprehension, and personalize their avatar and rocket in the Star Zone.

We will use student data from our Kindergarten entry assessments to determine reading level. Please note that these levels are adjustable. Let us know if you feel the level is too difficult or too easy. There will be an adjustment period as we determine the right fit for each child.

To access the program simply click here: RAZ-KIDS
Teacher login: chillkinder
Password: (will be provided during your child’s Kindergarten assessment) If you want to get started before your child’s assessment appointment, let me know and I’ll send you the password.

Thanks for Joining Me on ZOOM!

Thank you to everyone who joined me and Mrs. Roper on ZOOM tonight! It was SO FUN to see all your new faces! I hope you are as excited as we are to get this year started!

If you still haven’t signed up for testing please do this ASAP. There are still some times available. If there is not a time that will work for you please send me an email and we can work something out. I will be sending an email out tomorrow to those that haven’t signed up yet.

Thank you so much! We are going to have a wonderful year! Mrs. Hill

Schedule overview

Tuesday, August 18: Back to School via Zoom 6:30-7:30pm (Zoom Room number will be in an email)

Aug 20-26: Kindergarten Entry Assessments (one-on-one, during scheduled assessment appointment)

Monday, August 31: First day of Kindergarten 8:25-3:00am (bring your child directly to our classroom)

Thursday, September 3: Early out 8:25-1:00pm

Friday, September 4 and Monday, September 7: No School

Welcome Back to School

We are excited to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. We hope you find the following information helpful as you prepare to begin this school year with us.

Back to School Video Presentation

One Call: click to receive information from Quest Academy and the parent organization

Parking Lot Procedures: To help keep our students safe we encourage you to watch this short video on parking lot safety at Quest Academy. Please share with those who help transport your child to and from school.

Watch for a Zoom link in your email to attend our Open House Back to School Night. We look forward to visiting with you virtually on Tuesday, August 18th 6:30-7:30pm and then in person during your child’s schedule assessment appointment.

Here is a PDF version of the Back to School Presentation

Document Review

yellow pencil

Here is a summary of the online documents we have posted for your review and signature. If you have already submitted the forms no further action is necessary at this time.

1-  Kindergarten Testing Appointment

2- Class Disclosure: Read and Review form

3- Kindergarteners: All About Me I am excited to get to know you. Please answer a few questions.

4 –Parents: Getting to know your child form To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.

5- Subscribe to our blog (upper right hand corner of home page of blog)

Getting to Know You

I am excited to get to know you. Please answer a few questions: All About Me

To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Click here: Getting to know your child form

Throughout the year if we need to contact you directly we will use the contact information you provided in Aspire. Please make sure it remains up-to-date. Thank you!  Click here to check your contact information: Aspire Gradebook

Welcome to ALL DAY Kindergarten!

We are very excited to welcome our new students into our ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN CLASS!  
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscrible to Blog” (found on the right sidebar). In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure.   

The first week of school (Aug 20-26) we will NOT be having regularly scheduled class. Instead, we will be giving each individual student an extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. We use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math. Click on the following link to sign-up for a testing appointment. Kindergarten Testing Appointments

The first day of Kindergarten class will be Monday, August 31 8:30 am-3:00 pm.

We look forward to hosting our first virtual Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 18.  Have a wonderful summer break!