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Please plan to pick up their bags and return their devices on
Tuesday May 26th 7:30am – 5:30pm OR 
Wednesday May 27th 7:30am – 5:30pm 
(Just FYI…Mrs. Roper and I will be there Wednesday the 27th from 7:30am – 12:30am if you want to come then, wave and make us cry). If you don’t make it to the school I will contact you and I will work out a time I can bring you your students items. 

Summer Reading Program

To encourage reading throughout the summer check out these fun summer reading programs:

BN-Summer-Reading_736-x-310Barnes and Noble-
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

Screenshot 2020-05-12 19.56.31Weber County Libraries-
Fun Things to Do

Lots of summer fun links; reading and more! Make sure you check out San Diego Zoo and Monterey Bay Aquarium live camsWeber County Summer Reading 

Quest Academy 
Genre Reading Journal with Mrs. Anderson
Read a story from each genre, or have a story read to you, then color a picture about the story. Return your completed genre reading journal to Mrs. Anderson at the beginning of the next school year and you will get a prize! :)
(I put one of these in your end of year bag.)

Last Day of Kindergarten May 22nd

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Hello Everyone!
This is the blog post that I have been dreading!
I know the end of this school year comes with a little bit of relief for some but I am truly sad. Your kiddos have proven that “THEY CAN DO HARD THINGS” (I’m crying). Through blurring eyes I want you to know that I love your kids. I know I can speak for Mrs. Roper when I say she loves them too.  We truly want what is best for them and they will all have a piece of our hearts forever. 

Please plan to pick up their bags and return their devices on Tuesday May 26th 7:30am – 5:30pm or Wednesday May 27th 7:30am – 5:30pm (Just FYI…Mrs. Roper and I will be there Wednesday the 27th from 7:30am – 12:30am if you want to come then, wave and make us cry). If you don’t make it to the school I will contact you and I will work out a time I can bring you your students items. 

Today’s Schedule:
We will be watching some of our friends in the talent show followed by a video of some pictures of our class. Then we will sign off and your kiddos will be officially 1st Graders!
I will be posting links to both videos shortly after our classes watch them together. 
AM kinder 8:30 in my Zoom Room
PM kinder 9:30 in my Zoom Room

THANK YOU for all of the support you have shown me this year. I have the best parents! You have been patient and kind. I cannot thank you enough!

With lots of Love,
Mrs. Hill

Monday (May 18) through Thursday (21)

This week, May 18-21, will be Quest’s iReady Diagnostic Week.  Students will connect during their scheduled diagnostic time DAILY (via Zoom). Monday and Tuesday students will complete the iReady Reading Diagnostic. Wednesday and Thursday students will complete the iReady Math Diagnostic.  (For math; students may choose to use a white board or paper and pencil, ten frame page, and math counters)

Students will only access iReady when on Zoom with a teacher. 

There will be no at home learning lessons this week. If you choose, students may access Raz-Kids. Students will be marked present for the week by attending their scheduled DAILY assessment appointments.

AM Class 8:30am Mrs. Hill’s Zoom Room
PM Class 9:30am Mrs. HIll’s Zoom Room

REMEMBER to log onto iReady first and then open another tab for Zoom

Friday May 15th

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Friday May 15th: (click on colored wording to access each links)

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NEW Library ZOOM with Mrs. Anderson on Friday’s at 9:00am (check email for link)

Whole Groups:  AM kindergarten  8:30am (Butterfly Life Cycle)
                           PM kindergarten  9:30am (Butterfly Life Cycle)

We invite you to watch Jase’s butterfly video: Caterpillar to Butterfly
Thank you Jase from Ms. Ronda’s class at Quest! This video ROCKED!

Movement (optional):  The Butterfly Song

Raz-Kids Read a book or two
Coloring Fun:
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