Tuesday, April 7th

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Tuesday, April 7th: (click on colored wording to access each links)

(check your email for meeting room numbers and passwords)
AM 8:30
PM 9:30
Small groups look at your schedule
Morning Song:  Phonics ABC

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts/ELA Lessons 
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Think and talk about what makes you a good citizen.

Writing: Practice Sentence Writing
Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your writing journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is: I can be a good citizen by _______________.
(This can as simple as… (cleaning my room or making good choices)
Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

MovementChoose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math: Lesson 28 Session 2
Supplies needed: Lesson 28 math packet
With Mrs. Ronda

Practice counting to 100
Count to 100 with Grandma & Grandpa – Jack Hartman Video

RAZ-KIDS read a book or two

Guest Reader: Ashley Moore
Ashley Moore is our Guest Reader today. She is AMAZING and has been so kind to take the time to read “Clockwork Scott” to us. She is also the illustrator to this wonderful book. She will be talking about what an author and illustrator do. Also, get a pencil and paper ready because at the end of the story Ashley will help us draw a robot. You don’t want to miss this! 

Miscellaneous and For Fun:
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Monday April 6th

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Monday, April 6th: (click on colored wording to access each links)

(check your email for meeting room numbers and passwords)
AM 8:30
PM 9:30
Small groups look at your schedule
Morning Song:  Letter Factory

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts/ELA Lessons 
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Think and talk about what makes you a good citizen.

Writing: Practice Sentence Writing
Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your writing journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is: I am a good citizen when I _______________.
(This can as simple as … pick up trash or follow the rules)
Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

MovementChoose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math: Lesson 28 Session 1
Supplies needed: White board and marker (or paper and pencil), 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons)
With Mrs. Ronda

Practice counting to 100
Count to 100 with Grandma & Grandpa – Jack Hartman Video

RAZ-KIDS read a book or two

Guest Reader: Mrs. Anderson 
Mrs. Anderson is our Guest Reader today. She is our wonderful librarian. She will be talking about Historical Fiction.

Miscellaneous and For Fun:


Monterey County Spring Break 2020 Camps - Monterey Bay Parent Magazine

Hello All!
I hope you all have a wonderful spring break! I know it is going to be a lot different this year but try and have some fun! Feel free to continue to use iReady and RAZKID’s throughout the break if you would like to. I will not be keeping track of their minutes this week but they are more than welcome to keep learning. I know some of you have mentioned wanting to keep them on a schedule. If you have questions I will be checking my email periodically so you are more than welcome to email me. 

Here are some fun spring break ideas!
*Form letters and numbers out of playdou
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*Be creative with blocks and legos
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*Rainbow write your name or fun words you like
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*Go on a scavenger hunt
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Find a weird place and read a book!
Worms Clipart Reading - World Book Day Chart, transparent png download
olor a picture 
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Make a treat
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Play Games
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Have a great break! I would love to see pictures and share them!

Friday March 27

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Friday, March 27: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: Phonics ABC Song 

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Lets talk and think about what kinds of things we can do to help out at home. 

Today practice writing numbers 0-20. Don’t forget all teen numbers start with the number “1”.
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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math Lesson 27: 
Lesson 27 Session 5
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed:10 frames, dry erase marker (or paper and pencil), and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons) 
Math Challenge Activity

RAZ-KIDS read a book or two

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: 
Go for a walk in your yard and find 5 things you see or hear.

Coloring Page:
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Dr. Dave is our Guest Reader today. He is reading Green eggs and Ham.
Guest Reader: Dr. Dave

RAZ-KIDS (Baggy Books)

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To better accommodate at home reading during our school dismissal we are going to return all class baggy books and use Raz-Kids (Kids A-Z):

Raz-Kids is an online leveled-reading program. Students can listen to books, read books, record themselves reading the books, take short quizzes to check for comprehension, and personalize their robot and rocket in the Star Zone.

We used student data we had to determine reading level. Please note that these levels are adjustable. Let us know if you feel the level is too difficult or too easy. There will be an adjustment period as we determine the right fit for each child.

To access the program simply click here: RAZ-KIDS
If Mrs. Ronda HIlls class comes up first click on CHANGE TEACHER
Teacher login: chillkinder
Password: watch for an email and you can get started