Thursday March 26

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Thursday, March 26: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: ABC Song

Language Arts and ELA
We are in Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Lets talk and think about what kinds of things we can do to help out at home. 

Let’s write our lowercase letters

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math
Students will have an assigned comprehension check (blue lesson) in their iReady math lessons today. You can check their score on this assessment by going to “My Progress” and then selecting “Completed Work”.  If your child scores 80% or higher they are ready to continue with the math lessons this week. If they score below 80%, they would benefit from additional practice. They can complete any unfinished pages in the Lesson 27 math packet. And they can complete this additional teen numbers practice activity. 

Math Lesson 27: 
Math Lesson 27 Session 4
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: 10 frames and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons)
Additional Practice Activity

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: If you have legos or blocks make a tower.

Coloring Page:
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Ms. Carrie is our Guest Reader today. She will be reading “I’m going to be the best Astronaut ever!”
Guest Reader: Ms Carrie

Kindergarten at Work

Kindergarteners Teaching Younger Siblings!
Our newest teachers… Layna with her little brother and Lily with hers.
Lily March 25

Great Handwriting!!
Ender can help out at home by taking out the trash!
Ender March 23

Rhyme time in pajamas… whoo whoo! 
Go Kade and Lily!!
 Kade March 23 Lily March 23

Math time with Ms. Ronda
Lily working hard on her math!
Lily2 March 23

iReady time!
Working hard on iReady! Keep up the good work Vadin, and Riley!
Vadin March 23 Riley March 24

Thank Goodness for Grandmas!!
Grandma helping Everly with her school work!
 Everly1 March 24  Everly2 March 24    

Recess Time for Vadin!
Vadin2 March 23

Extra Curricular Activities! 
Naomi taking cooking class from her mom! Yummy!
Naomi March 25Naomi2 March 25 

Wednesday March 25

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Wednesday, March 25: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song:  Letter Factory

Language Arts and ELA
We are starting Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to mastered.

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Lets talk and think about what kinds of things we can do to help out at home. 

Today practice all your UPPERCASE letters.
Then write your name and color it pretty.

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math Lesson 27: 
Lesson 27 Session 3
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: 10 frames and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons)

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: What is the biggest tree in the world?

Ms. Angelee is our Guest Reader today. She will be reading “The Wonkey Donkey”
Guest Reader: Mrs. Angelee 

Tuesday March 24

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Tuesday, March 24: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: Phonics Song – ABC

Language Arts and ELA
We are on Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to master. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 10.05.45 AM Peter’s Chair is our Literature Book this week in Wonders
Peter’s Chair

Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your yellow journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is: My favorite chore at home is ________________.
Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math Lesson 27: 
Math Lesson 27 Session 2
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: Lesson 27 math packet

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: Why do we get hiccups?
Mrs. Anderson is our Guest Reader today. She misses seeing you in library on Mondays. She is reading “HICCUPotamus”. ENJOY!
Guest Reader: Mrs. Anderson

Coloring Page:
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Monday March 23

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Monday, March 23: (click on colored wording to access each links)
Morning Song: ABC Song

Language Arts and ELA
We are starting Unit 9 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we need to mastering during the next 3 weeks. 

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Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Language Arts and ELA Lessons
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

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Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 8.59.11 PM
Lets talk and think about what kinds of things we can do to help out at home. 

Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your yellow journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period. 

Today’s sentence is:
I can help at home by _______________.

Then draw a picture that matches your sentence.

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iReady reading

Movement: Choose 2 challenges

iReady math

Math Lesson 27: 
Math Lesson 27 Session 1
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed: Lesson 27 Session 1 – 10 frames and 20 math counters (i.e. squares, pennies, cheerios, legos, paper clips, buttons)

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: How does hand sanitizer kill germs?
Germs, Germs, Germs
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Coloring Page:

Mrs. Ruby is our Guest Reader today. She is reading “There was an Old Lady who swallowed the ABC’s”
Guest Reader: Mrs. Ruby

No School Today – March 20

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Hello everyone!
Technically, there is no school today! However, iReady is still available if you want to continue to learn. Or look back on the last couple days and see if you missed a lesson, activity, or a story. 

Try and do something creative today. Color a picture for someone you love, build with blocks or playdough, or play school and teach your stuff animals everything you know!

Story time: Pete the Cat – The Great Leprechaun Chase

Pictures sent to me on March 19

Davian March 19 
Davian hard a work with his Math!

 Gideon March 19 
Gideon making banana bread and READING THE RECIPE!

Lily March 19
Lily hard at work with her “yoohoo and cute unicorn jacket!”

Naomi March 19
Naomi working hard on her math! 


Welcome to Day 2 of At Home Learning – Kindergarten

Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 3.23.23 PM  Hello Everyone! We sure miss you all! I saw a lot of good work yesterday. I also saw a lot of 100% in iReady. I will do my best to keep track of all those 100% but if you would like to keep track of them also, draw a star or put a sticker on your yellow writing journal’s front cover every time you get a 100% in iReady (reading or math) and we will add them to your 100% chart when we return to our classroom. Keep up the great work!!

Thursday, March 19: (click on the purple and blue wording to access each link)

Morning Song: Letter Factory

Language Arts and ELA
Language Arts and ELA
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

Review Sight Words, Vocabulary, and Letters/Sounds

Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your yellow journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period.

In our Unit #8, in our Wonders program, we have been talking about going places and what kind of vehicle we would use to get there.
Today’s sentence is:

If I could go to the moon, I would ride in a  _________________.

Your student has not learned about the coma yet so don’t stress if they skip it. Also, let your child be creative if they come up with some crazy or strange vehicle to ride to the moon in… that’s ok. Then have them draw their vehicle going to the moon.

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iReady reading

iReady math

Math Lesson 26: 
Lesson 26 Session 2
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed- 2 different color crayons and math packet Lesson 26

Miscellaneous and For Fun:

Science Lesson: Who invented pizza?

Coloring Page:
vehicle coloring page

Mr. Ryker is our Guest Reader today. He is excited to read Green eggs and Ham to you!
Guest Reader: Mr. Ryker

I also had a mom make a fun BOOK BINGO game…THAT I LOVE!
If you’re able to print out this fun Book Bingo game, get it signed or color in each square as you read a book in different places. If you can’t print it out just keep track of the places you read a book!
When we meet up again, bring in your paper and get a prize!
Book Bingo Game

Welcome to Day 1 of At Home Learning – Kindergarten!

Image result for it is going to be a great day

Wednesday, March 18: (click on the purple wording to access each link)

Morning Song: Letter Factory

Language Arts or ELA Lesson
With Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McBride

Complete, write, and draw a picture of this sentence in your yellow journal. Make sure you use a capital, correct spacing, and end your sentence with a period.

My favorite thing about being home is _________________.

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iReady reading

iReady math

Math Lesson: 
Lesson 26 Session 1
With Ms. Ronda
Supplies needed- 10 frame white board, 20 math counters (in packet)

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Miscellaneous and For Fun
Science Lesson: Can animals laugh?

Mrs. Anderson is our librarian and she has a fun St. Patrick’s Day story for you!
Guest Reader: 
Mrs. Anderson