Valentine’s Day Party

Image result for valentines party images

February 14th, we will be having our class Valentine’s Day party. Children are welcome to bring a valentine for their classmates, but please NO TREATS. We have 22 students in the AM class and 22 in the PM Class (please do not write who the valentine is for on the card, this makes passing out valentines very difficult).  Also, the children are welcome to bring a decorated valentines box to hold their valentines in. This is purely optional; please do not feel like you have to create a box.  We will be decorating valentines bags in class.  

If you would like to help with our class Valentine’s party coming up on Feb. 14th, please let me know ASAP.
Thank you!

Treehouse Field Trip Tomorrow

downloadTomorrow (Thursday) is the big day for our Treehouse Museum field trip.  Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1- Students wear their uniforms . 
2- Arrive on time.  Buses will depart at 8:35am.
3- Students will be dismissed at 12noon

4- Please have a good filling breakfast!
5- Leave student backpacks home. 

Parent Chaperones: If you are driving, we expect to arrive at 9am and depart the museum at 11:15am.

Treehouse Museum address: 347 22nd St, Ogden, UT 84401