Treehouse Museum Field Trip

downloadWe are looking forward to our upcoming Treehouse Museum field trip on Thursday, February 6, 8:30-12noon. Both AM and PM classes will join us at this time. 

We are requesting a $10.00 donation to help with our field trip expenses, which includes the cost of bus transportation for the school year. Donations may be paid in the Q1 office. If you have forgotten whether you paid the donation at the beginning of the year please send me an email and I can let you know. Thanks so much!

Nonfood Valentines Reminder

Image result for valentines day cards with toys
Stores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day.  To help you properly prepare for our class celebrations, here are the Quest guidelines in regards to Valentine’s:

“Per Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must be pre-approved. Furthermore, parental permission is also required for students to consume food during class parties. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for nonfood Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required.”