Practice Library Book

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A Practice Library Book was sent home today. Please treat this book as if it is a Library Book. The students are to keep track and take care of this book like they would a Library Book. They will be bringing this Practice Library Book back to school with them next Monday (our next library day). This will show that they are ready to check out and bring home books from our Quest Library. 

Halloween Parade

happy halloweenBoth AM and PM Kindergarten 8:30 – 10:30
Halloween Parade (Thursday, Oct. 31) & EARLY OUT Day 10:30 am

The Quest Academy Halloween Parade will begin at 9:00am. Parents are welcome to watch the parade as students walk through the Q2 gym.  

Students are encouraged to arrive in their costumes. Backpacks and folders may remain at home. After the parade you are welcome to check your student out or let them stay for the remainder of the time and decorate a cookie in our classroom. 

Costume Guidelines:
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

Positive Me Week Oct. 28 – Oct. 31

Monday Oct 28: Celebrate Your Crazy Day!
Wear crazy socks, crazy hair, and/or mismatch clothes. 

Tuesday Oct 29: Decade Day/Blast from the past
Dress from the 50′s, 60′s, 70′s, or 80′s Students will write about positive things that others have done for them. 

Wednesday Oct 30: Hero Day 
Wear your favorite super hero or character shirt (disney, marvel, etc.) 
Please wear uniform pants with the “hero” shirts. 
Students will write a positive note to a real “Super Hero” in their lives. 

Thursday  Oct 31: Costume
Halloween costume – NO MASKS

Image result for halloween costumes kindergarten clipart