Some Reminders

Image result for picture retakes
 Do you need picture retakes? Picture Day is Tuesday, Oct 8th

To help in your Halloween costume selections, here are a few Quest Costume Guidelines:
Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

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Image result for scholastic clip art
Scholastic Book Order due this FRIDAY October 4th by 3:00 pm.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is R3BBJ: Scholastic Book Club

Field Trip Donations

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Thank you so much to everyone that has donated to our classroom supplies and our field trips. It is much appreciated and your money will be put to good use in our classroom. 

Just a reminder: 
If you have not yet made a donation for this years field trips/and or classroom supplies please do this ASAP. We rely on donations to be able to take our fields and without them we cannot afford to go. You can make your donations online or at the office. 
Field trips: $10
Classroom supplies: $25
Online Payments (Field trips, school supplies, class parties, library fines, name badge replacement)

Thank you!!

Scholastic Book Orders Due October 4th by 3:00 pm

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We are excited to utilize the Scholastic Reading Club program in our classroom this year.  Ordering books for your children through this program gives our class points towards free books that your child will utilize in the classroom throughout the year.

Our next book order will be due Friday, October 4th.   The Scholastic Book order link is located in the scholastics tab of our class blog or simply click here: Scholastic Reading Club.  Ordering online is fast and easy, our class activation code is: R3BBJ.  Online ordering allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer.

Thank you and Happy Reading!!