Don’t Forget… Q and U Wedding Tomorrow March 7th

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The wedding of Q and U is tomorrow March 7th! Just a reminder to dress up in your best dress or like a queen, princess, king or a prince. No need to buy anything just have fun and keep it simple. 

We are also asking the children to bring a gift for the new couple (Q and U).  Please find any item or picture that has the “qu” sound (ie: quarter, equator, quilt, etc.) in the word and put it in a gift bag or wrap it.  We will be opening it at school and then sending them back home after the activity.

Thanks so much,
Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Roper

Q and U Wedding March 7th

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It is an exciting time in our classroom!  The wedding of Q and U is scheduled to take place on March 7th. This is a very fun day in our classroom that is planned to help the children remember the sound q, and to reinforce that q and u are always written together. 

We are planning a dress-up day for the children on this day.  The children are welcome to come dressed as queens and kings or in their best dress.  There is no need to go out and buy anything new for this occasion, a simple king or queen costume or fancy dress clothes are sufficient. 

We are also asking the children to bring a gift for the new couple (Q and U).  Please find any item or picture that has the “qu” sound (ie: quarter, equator, quilt, etc.) in the word and put it in a gift bag or wrap it.  We will be opening it at school and then sending them back home after the activity.

Thanks so much,
Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Roper

Dr. Suess Day


Attention Whos of Quest-ville the TALL and the small!

Friday, March 1st is Dr. Seuss Day

To celebrate students can choose one, two, or all three of the activities below:

  1. Show everyone a Thing or Two. Grab a friend and dress as Thing 1 and Thing 2.
  2. Green Eggs and Ham anyone? Wear a green shirt, pants, socks or accessories to school.
  3. How do those Who’s do it? Crazy Who Hair

*All clothing must still meet dress code standards. Students not participating in a clothing theme will still wear a school uniform.