Field Trip Friday February 8th

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This is a reminder that Friday, February 8th is our field trip to the Treehouse Museum. 
Both Classes (morning and afternoon kindergarten classes) meet at school at 8:30am.  The children will be dismissed at 12:00. Every student in my class (Mrs. Hill’s) needs to wear a white shirt.

Please email me if you are willing to be a chaperon:
NO SIBLINGS!  The Treehouse does not allow siblings to come on the field trip.

Homework February 4 – February 8

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Keep reading 20 minutes each night. The reading can include: flashcards and baggie book practice. Reading time can also include somebody reading to your student, shared reading between them and a partner, audio listening to a book, etc. 
I know time is precious… please take the time to read to and with your student. Their success depends on it. You will be amazed at what reading 20 minutes a night will do for your student. 

Practice Sight words 
I                       are
can                  with           
the                   he
we                    is
see                   little
a                       she
like                   was
to                      for
and                   have
go                     of
you                   they
do                     said 
my                    want
here                  my
this                   what
help                  too

For Math, we are working on adding and subtracting numbers within 10.
Counting to 100 by one, fives, and tens. 

here are NO practice pages this week due to our 100 days activities and our field trip on Friday. Reading Log only this week! Happy Reading!

Valentine’s Day Boxes

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I have had some questions concerning Valentine’s Boxes. Some students want to bring their own. You are more than welcome to make a Valentine’s box and bring it on Valentine’s Day. Please please DO NOT feel obligated to make a Valentine’s box, we will be making a bag in class. 

AM: 20 students ( 7 girls 13 boys)
PM: 18 students ( 10 girls 8 boys)

Treasure Box


If anyone is willing to donate some prizes for our treasure box, it would be greatly appreciated. Our prize supply is looking a little sad. Any small toy or prize works great, just no food or toy weapons. We use these prizes as rewards for homework and for working extra hard in class. Thank you so much for your continued help and support.