The school is having a canned food drive!
The next two Fridays (Oct. 27 and Nov. 3) are dress down days for students who bring at least 5 cans of food. Please do not send $1, only canned food items. Expired items will not count!

Thank you for your help in this!

Student Progress Reports

Report CardStudents will be bringing home their 1st quarter Progress Reports today (October 25). There are some wonderful grades coming home to be proud of!  Please look for them in the front pocket of their folders.  If they did not bring their folder today, please check their backpack. You may keep the reports. We will go over these reports at Parent Teacher Conference in a couple of weeks. Thanks so much for sharing your special little ones. We have fabulous kindergarteners!!
Mrs. Hill

Practice Library Books

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Our wonderful Librarian has sent home a practice library book with our kindergarteners today. They are to take care of it as if it is a real library book. They can do the activities in the book but please help them keep it in a safe place and not bend or tear it. It is due back on Tuesday November 7th (two weeks due to halloween being next Tuesday). I believe she is planning on letting those that bring this practice library book back on time choose a real library book to check out. 
Thanks so much for helping teach our kiddos how to treat borrowed books.
Mrs. Hill

Positive Me Week (October 23-27)


Here is the list of dress up fun for Positive Me Week:

Monday- Hat’s off to being drug free!
Hat Day

Tuesday- Be unique and don’t follow the crowd!
Crazy Socks Day

Wednesday- Be a hero and stand up to bullying!
Superhero or Team Jersey Day

Thursday- Scare away negativity!
Crazy Hair Day

Friday- Become a better you by reaching out to others!
5 Food Cans for Dress Down Day

Homework #5 Week of October 23-27

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break!
Can you believe we are already starting Term 2? Your students are doing marvelous! We have learned so much! 
By the end of term 2 we need to know:
All 26 upper case letters
All 26 lower case letters
All 26 sounds
15 sight words
Recognizing and writing numbers 1-10
We will also introduce blending sounds and CVC words (Consonant Vowel Consonant)

The sight words we will be working on for Term 2 are as follows: 
to, for, he, it, of, that, was, you (we will continue to review the seven from Term 1)
Practice practice practice those flashcards!!!

Homework #5 Oct. 23-27


Important dates coming up: 

Oct. 18th will be a short day schedule

Oct. 19th and 20th   NO Kindergarten (Fall Break)

Oct. 30th  Halloween Class Party will be from 9:30-11:00 (AM class) and 1:30-3:00 (PM class) (No costumes for this party) . 

Oct. 31st is a short day and we will be having a School Costume Parade (school gets out at 10am after the parade for all students). ALL Kindergarten students will come to school from 8:30-10:30 to participate in the Halloween Costume Parade. We will not be having PM class as all students will be coming to the parade.  Everyone is welcome to wear a costume, but please no masks.  Parents are welcome to come and watch.

Nov. 1st  No school (Legislative day)


reading clip art
Hello All!
There is NO homework to print off and hand in this week. However, please please please keep practicing flashcards (ABC’s and or sight words) and baggie books. We will still be practicing and switching these out this week.  
Thank you for working with your student at home! It makes a BIG difference! 

Mrs. Hill